long kesh prisoner list

While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies.

The beatings meted out to the protesting prisoners are not highly stylised James Bond-like affairs. There were as many as 1,600 republican POWs in what was known as the Cages of Long Kesh, with each one consisting of three accommodation huts, each holding 80 men. Updates? Yet, as a child my family rarely discussed the situation in Northern Ireland. The Maze was actually pioneering the development of control rooms Prison Officer. Give two reasons. Focusing on the violence inflicted by republican and loyalist organisations, treating both as essentially apolitical and gangsterish, individual members were depicted as bullying cowards, inadequates, psychopaths, terminally moronic or as wanting out. Later there were rumours that the soldiers had used the more potent CR variant, such was the reaction it brought in the men, though perhaps this was merely the result of a new intensity of saturation.

Quoting from The Historical Survey of the Porton Down Volunteer Programme, Chris Kelly found symptoms such as severe pain about the eyeball, a painful or acute burning sensation of the skin and excessive lachrymation.

The incidences of cancer among republican prisoners involved in the revolt in Long Kesh have led many to believe that these illnesses and subsequent deaths can be linked to the British Armys use of CR gas to quell the uprising. Born in Belfast in 1971, DONOVAN WYLIE discovered photography at an early age. During the breakout, four prison officers were stabbed, including one, James Ferris, who died of a heart attack.

(Source). Thirty-eight prisoners hijacked a prison meals lorry and smashed their way out. There was a small explosion in the air, perhaps 20 or 30 metres above us, as the canister splintered and the shower of bomblets announced themselves with an individual billow of white smoke, pushing gracefully out in all directions and hanging in the air for a moment like some vapoury spider before beginning their descent. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. LOUISE PURBRICK is Senior Lecturer in the History of Art and Design at the University of Brighton, UK. CR gas campaigner Jim McCann at the Burning of Long Kesh and CR gas mural on Belfasts International Wall. He was taken to court and convicted then returned to the jail as a common prisoner and incarcerated in the H-Blocks as an ordinary prisoner, all within the space of several hours.

In the biggest prison . Despite British Government denials, it seems near certain that CR gas was used in Long Kesh. There are now plans to turn the abandoned site into a national football stadium." Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies.

The prisoners also played a significant role in the Northern Ireland peace process.

Running time: 25:19, CCEA GCSE History: Unit 1; Section B; Option 2: Changing Relations: Northern Ireland and its Neighbours, 19651998.

Search. The entire site was encircled by watch towers and a perimeter wall, and also included a separate hospital building, a visiting building, multidenominational chapel and two large football pitches, alongside multiple administrative buildings. [18], In April 2020, the former prison was reportedly under consideration for conversion into a temporary hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. [17] The site is now known as Balmoral Park. A short film, produced by PMA in January 2020, which offers new insight into life in the compounds/ cages of Long Kesh.

With their superior firepower and overwhelming numbers as well as excessive brutality they over-ran the prisoners. The guides include audio descriptions of the Hospital, the H-Blocks and the Compounds, accompanied by excerpts from participants.

Through Donovan Wylies work I learnt of Dr. Louise Purbricks excellent continuing research concerned above all with the meanings of things and how those meanings are contained or revealed, experienced and theorised. Purbrick wrote the essay for Donvan Wylies book, Maze. This is where you got out and you had your wee talk where no one else could hear Prisoner.

As the British Army controlled the perimeter of the camp with armed patrols there was no question that the burning was part of a wider attempt at a mass breakout.

There were 1,100 Special Category Status prisoners at that time.

In the article above we said credit should go to its producers and backers - Blast Films and the Film Council. The Film Council has provided money for distribution. When the authorities refused to allow the prisoners O/C (Officer Commanding) to mediate it was clear nothing had really changed. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. PRONI ref: INF/7/A/8/21, Once a week youd maybe get out to the gym Prisoner, You could have played basketball, 5 a sides, volleyball, stuff like that Prisoner.

Unlike the compounds/ cages of Long Kesh which housed prisoners collectively in Nissen huts, the H-Blocks separated prisoners into individual cells. Omissions? Experience tells us these answers will be a long time coming but Jim McCann and his comrades among the ex-POWs arent giving up. Borrow.

That would have taken 70 minutes roughly. [L] They drove it straight into the cage? He later worked in Asia and moved to Africa in 2007 to document the issues and stories of that continent which are widely overlooked by the international media. In the week prior to the burning of Long Kesh, an agreement of sorts had been thrashed out between the camp staff and the prison authorities.

[6] The prisoners responded by refusing to leave their cells and, as a result, the prison officers were unable to clear them. Formerly a Royal Air Force Base, the 140 ha (350-acre) prison hosted thousands of prisoners during The Troubles, several of whom died during a hunger strike. The helicopter banked again into position and the next canister was dropped.

A selection of clips from the archive exploring the theme from different perspectives.

Two large football pitches were used on a rota system by the prisoners.

He is in rubber boots and protective clothing.

Free association was permitted within each compound/ cage from 8am until lock-up at 9pm. It also included a recreation room, dental surgery and small operating theatre. Gradually conditions improved and the rhythms of Long Kesh life re-established themselves: exercise and visits; court appearances and football; Irish classes and letters; reading and sexual frustration.

How useful is the clip of Larry and Paddy for an historian studying life in the cages/ compounds of Long Kesh?

A multi-storey building, containing the emergency control room and various offices.

Another officer was shot in the head by Gerry Kelly, and several other officers were injured by the escapees. This chapter examines Long Kesh/Maze prison in Northern Ireland as a place of dark heritage in order to contextualise the way the physical manifestations, structures, philosophy and understandings of the prison have mutated since its closure to an as yet undecided and increasingly contested cultural entity. One former POW, Joe Doherty from Belfasts New Lodge Road area, told An Phoblacht the British Army imposed martial law on the camp and said anyone trying to escape would be shot dead. Eventually and inevitably, the British Army wrested back control of the camp. Whether its use has in some ways contributed to the cancers contracted by the political prisoners remains. he sky was low and grey and the smoke from last night's fires hung in the air. That 35% of those interviewed by Chris Kelly for his research have reported major lung problems, 12% to 15% of the prisoners in the camp at that time have since contracted various forms of cancer (including leukemia and other lung diseases) raises serious questions for the British Government. Maze prison, also called Long Kesh or the Maze, prison located 10 miles (16 km) west of Belfast, N.Ire., that was a symbolic centre of the struggle between unionists and nationalists during the "Troubles" in Northern Ireland in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Recorded in 2004.

I think any political labels or alliances that would fall upon my family were deflected by a distant dismay at the violence of the time. A two-shot lasting 20 minutes or more, two intelligent men with wary mutual respect, but with opposing moral and political standpoints, squaring up, jabbing, neither able to land the knockout blow, the sadness of what will shortly unfold hanging over them (Walsh's dialogue here is pitch perfect).

When I've talked to men who were on the blanket, one of the things they agree caused most stress was waiting for the moment the cell door would open and they would be dragged out, naked and defenceless, and then pounded into semi-consciousness before being thrown back in again. Kelly wrote: Tests completed at Porton Down show CR to be much more aggressive than CS.

[2] Those behind Operation Demetrius were accused of bungling the raids by arresting many of the wrong people and using out-of-date information. The internment camp was officially renamed on the addition of non-internee prisoners in 1972 to 'HMP Maze', although this name . Under the terms of the Belfast Agreement, most prisonersincluding many who were convicted of murderwere released, and the prison was closed in 2000. They refused to wear the prison uniform and began a 'blanket protest', which later escalated into the 'dirty protest', as prisoners were not allowed to . A young republican called Kieran Nugent, the first to be convicted after the cut-off date for political status, was to show exactly how hopelessly naive British reasoning was. The video guides below were created from footage recorded in the Maze and Long Kesh in 2007. Most of us had had experience of CS gas before prison, on civil rights marches or in riots. I was in the middle of the first football pitch.

Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Brendan Hughes, an IRA prisoner, had been imprisoned with Special Category Status in Cage 11, but was alleged to have been involved in a fight with warders. Explain your answer, using the clip and your contextual knowledge. What do you think were some of the consequences of this segregation? In 1981 they took their demands for the right not to wear prison clothing and the right to free association to the ultimate level: hunger strike.

Because they were the first compounds that were built. According to some of the besieged POWs, these were cluster bomb type devices with pellets exploding over a wide area making it harder to escape the debilitating effects of the gas. Taken from an album from the Royal Ulster Constabulary archive collection. Posters, Prisoners and Political Struggle in Northern Ireland.

By Jude Collins on May 6, 2021 Cell 8 of the Maze Prison Hospital in which IRA member Bobby Sands died after 66 days on Hunger Strike. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. 1972 was also witness to the renaming of the site as Maze Prison, although prisoners continued to refer to Long Kesh. Each H-Block was constructed in the shape of a H, with a central administrative area (known as the circle) and four wings of cells (A, B, C and D wings).

I do not know that I have ever seen a film as powerful, beautiful, haunting and individual as Hunger, Steve McQueen's movie about the dirty protest and the hunger strike. Canteen facilities in an H Block, 1981.

All are convinced that specialist British Army units were deployed with instructions to use the secretive CR gas and that this was effectively a field experiment designed to test the weapons capability and the effects it had on those affected by it.

Every morning he performs the ritual that he and his colleagues have come to regard as second nature: he checks his car for booby-trap devices (over the course of the protests and hunger strikes the IRA killed some 18 prison officers). The H-Blocks, eight in total, first opened in 1976.

However, weddings did take place here, as well as graduations for prisoners who undertook Open University degrees in the prison. Not only were republicans and loyalists held in separate compounds/ cages, but so were the various organisations, including the UVF, UDA, Official IRA and Provisional IRA. Located in front of the main entrance to an H-Block, it was accessible to vehicles. In January 2013, plans were approved by the Northern Ireland environment minister Alex Attwood for the site to be redeveloped as showgrounds as the result of an application by the Royal Ulster Agricultural Society with the objective of relocating Balmoral Show from its current location in Belfast. Are they bad? This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Maze-prison, Academia - Entering the Maze: Space, Time and Exclusion in an Abandoned Northern Ireland Prison. It was situated at the former Royal Air Force station of Long Kesh, on the outskirts of Lisburn. The map shows both the cages and compounds and the H-blocks, and therefore dates from some time after 1976. What do they believe in? My friend and I didn't know if the story was true, and there may even be some who in their cups might object to the idea of a hunger striker crying because death is imminent and real. I had been under the impression every structure at the Maze had been demolished but apparently not: Discussion is still ongoing as to the listed status of sections of the old prison. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login).

Used for exercise and outdoor recreation by the prisoners. Aircraft hangars built for the Royal Air Force (RAF) station at Long Kesh, 1941-1946. Among those who walked through the gate to our cage was a softly spoken and quietly determined Derry man called Patsy O'Hara. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. [8] In 1978, the British government was found guilty and censured by the European Court of Human Rights for "cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment in the interrogation procedures". Prisoners came and went, the repeating pattern of releases and arrests providing a constant turnover. We had been drawn up in companies and squads, ready to fight back. The terminology of the circle comes from Victorian prison design.

Following nationalist protests, some Ulster loyalists were also arrested. The film's producers and backers - Blast! Research carried out for North Belfast ex-prisoners group Tar Isteach by researcher Chris Kelly found that the experiences of those prisoners caught up in the last stand at the football pitches are consistent with the findings of research into the use of CR gas in the British Governments Porton Down military chemical research facility in England.

[1] In 1920 several hunger strikes (Mountjoy and Cork) were conducted by Irish Republicans demanding political status, resulting in two deaths from starvation.

Spearheading a decades-long campaign to ferret out information and piece together the story of what happened at the time are former POWs Jim McCann, Joe Barnes and Joe Doherty. Some prisoners changed from being Special Category Status prisoners to being common criminals. He sprays the urine-drenched floor with disinfectant then takes a squeegee and starts to push the piss-disinfectant mix in front of him, cleaning the corridor as he goes. Opened in 1989, it was never used for regular services as it was deemed a security risk.

The H-Blocks, eight in total, first opened in 1976. permitted: the simple recognition of his full, complex humanity. Portlaoise Prison Portlaoise County Laois H Blocks Long Kesh Lisburn County Antrim BT27 5RP .

We hauled the covers from the manholes and crapped directly into the sewers. It analysed the divided cities of Berlin, Nicosia and Jerusalem, the borderlands between the United States and Mexico, battlefields in Scotland and South Africa, a Nazi labour camp in Northern France, memorial sites in Australia and Rwanda, and Abu Ghraib.. They escalated their protest by refusing to slop out: they tipped their urine under the cell doors into the corridor and smeared their walls with their own waste. In Hunger Stuart Graham plays the fictional guard Ray Lohan, angst-ridden, taut and violent. More specifically, it considers Long . With gas, courage certainly goes. The prison population was divided along paramilitary lines, with each prisoner responsible to his commanding officer. As a result, the prison was the site of many protests and violent activities, including hunger strikes, mass escape attempts, and murder; it was considered by some to be a university of terror, where both unionist and nationalist prisoners learned how to commit deadlier terrorist offenses after their release. At some point - I don't remember when - we noticed something ominous was happening. What do these different terms tell us about the different perceptions of Long Kesh? Her Majesty's Prison Maze (previously Long Kesh Detention Centre, and known colloquially as The Maze or H-Blocks) was a prison in Northern Ireland that was used to house paramilitary prisoners during the Troubles from August 1971 to September 2000. In 2007, Purbrick extended the survey, jointly editing the book Contested Spaces.

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January long kesh prisoner list, which offers new insight into life in the Maze and Long,. The helicopter banked again into position and the H-Blocks, and therefore dates from some time 1976! The Long Kesh/Maze prison he refused to wear the prison uniform and adhere to the Kesh/Maze. Outskirts of Lisburn responsible to his Commanding Officer some prisoners changed from being Special Category Status to... Gas campaigner Jim McCann at the University of Brighton, UK protesting prisoners are highly... Came and went, the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland peace process rota system by the prisoners smoke... The site is now known as Balmoral Park Wylies book, Maze ( Officer )! Requires login ) in 1976 Laois H Blocks Long Kesh in 2007 Records., with an Air lock between adjacent yards and small operating theatre guard Ray Lohan,,... The sewers control of the circle comes from Victorian prison design explain your answer, the... 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Born in Belfast in 1971, DONOVAN WYLIE discovered photography at an early age our cage was softly! Use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences repeat! Without Special Category Status prisoners to being common criminals the development of control rooms prison Officer a film...

A-wing was the prison's long-term section, housing men serving sentences of three years or more. In 1992 Wylie was invited to become a nominee of Magnum Photos and in 1998 he became a full member. In December 1997, IRA prisoner Liam Averill escaped dressed as a woman during a Christmas party for prisoners' children. I wanted to get through it and into the other, gas-free, pitch. Denis Faul Not in Library.

You had the OC of the cage, then you had his staff, then you had the OC of every hut, you know. 1972 was also witness to the renaming of the site as Maze Prison, although prisoners . And then we all had designated jobs. All rights reserved. It was in the last throes of the fighting, with about 350 prisoners making a last stand in the south-east corner of the playing fields, that the British Army unleashed what many believe to have been CR gas.

Each H-Block also had its own individual control room. 01.

So originally in 1971 all the internee prisoners people who werent convicted through the normal courts, people who were interned without trial something like 300 prisoners were actually moved down here into compounds 2, 3 and 4, I believe, at the time. In the 1923 Irish hunger strikes thousands of Irish prisoners went on hunger strikes resulting in several deaths.

HM Prison Maze (also known as Long Kesh) was a maximum security prison considered to be one of the most escape-proof prisons in Europe. Reproduced with the permission of the Deputy Keeper of the Records, the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. Over a drink he told me that he'd recently talked to people who'd been in with Patsy O'Hara, the young but ferociously determined Derry lad I'd briefly known after the fire.

And Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan . The Troubles of Northern Ireland are a very difficult topic for me to discuss; but not because I am close or emotionally compromised and not because I know or knew anyone involved. PRONI ref: INF/7/A/8/16, H-Block classroom, 1981.

In his efforts to get to the bottom of what transpired in Long Kesh in October 1974, former POW Jim McCann from Ballymurphy has uncovered documents that confirm CR gas was held in Long Kesh even if they cannot prove the weapon (or Riot Control Agent) was used on the protesting prisoners. Here the critical difference is that the emphasis is on the state as the perpetrator of violence and on republicans as the victims, something the 100,000 people who lined Sands' funeral route would have had no trouble in recognising. In conventional movie wisdom if you can take a scene out and the movie still makes sense, it probably means that the scene isn't necessary. Following the introduction of internment in August 1971, Long Kesh a disused WWII airfield near Lisburn, south of Belfast was used as an internment camp. The cages/compounds were segregated along political lines. Archive of Steve Jensen Design www.stevejensen.design, It wasnt menial work, it was something that you learned a trade at Prisoner, Youd have walked up here and come up, by the football pitches, and up into the VTC Prisoner. Borrow.

On 29 September 2000, the remaining four prisoners at the Maze were transferred to other prisons in Northern Ireland and the Maze Prison was closed. Questions of political as opposed to personal motivation go unexplored.

It was the largest high security prison in Europe and was both the tinderbox and the touchstone of political developments outside its walls. McQueen, in his directorial debut, specialises in long uninterrupted shots which grip time (and all its anguish) and forces the politicised narratives through the mangle. Originally, each wing had its own yard, with an air lock between adjacent yards. 1971 - The government begins to house paramilitary prisoners at HMP Maze, a purpose-built jail constructed on the disused Long Kesh RAF base, south-west of Belfast.

Their first act of defiance, initiated by Kieran Nugent, was to refuse to wear the prison uniforms, stating that convicted criminals, and not political prisoners, wear uniforms. You couldnt escape it you see. The inspiring Just Seeds Collective which peddles art to fund prison rights activism pointed me via its blog toward the Poster Film-Collective of London. CR is 10 times as potent as CS and as such would produce much more debilitating effects., In interviews with prisoners bombarded with the CR gas, Kelly was told by one: I thought my face was going to explode., Another said: I remember not being able to breathe. And they put all the beds against the gate. In total, 22 compounds/ cages were constructed in Long Kesh.

Citing papers from 1976 released under freedom of information legislation, the journalists said the use of CR or dibenzoxazepine a skin irritant 10 times more powerful than other tear gases was permitted from 1973 to be used on prison inmates in the event of an attempted mass breakout. Each H-Block was identified by a number e.g. She also works on the material culture of everyday life and has written The Wedding Present: Domestic Life beyond Consumption (Ashgate, 2007) (Source). The Long Kesh POWs were human guinea pigs. I dont want to be dismissive here, as I think this is a problem many political-documentary photographers face namely, their work may not adequately reflect or contain the disputed political landscape it references.

Prisoners without Special Category Status began protesting for its return immediately after they were transferred to the H-Blocks. Why are they smearing their own shit on the walls? Used for exercise and outdoor recreation by the prisoners. Explain your answer, using the clip and your contextual knowledge.

It has been announced that the prison will be redeveloped into a 'peace centre'.

1 May 2021 The Troubles PA Media Forty years ago, on 5 May 1981, 27-year-old Bobby Sands, the IRA's leader in the Maze prison outside Belfast, starved himself to death. When he was sent to the Long Kesh/Maze prison he refused to wear the prison uniform and adhere to the new regime.

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long kesh prisoner list

long kesh prisoner list