will congress win 2024 astrology

Adjustment 2. Now Donald Trumps indictment is almost imminent after the Jan 6 Committees public hearings. See because of the eclipse on the election day, we still do not know who won the midterm election. My astrology prediction given 2 years ago was that Trump Indictments will come before May 1, 2024, most likely in the time window from March 4, 2023, to July 15, 2023, and Donald Trump will be on the Indictments list. GOP has alienated moderates and independents who decide all elections in US. Therefore, today I'm plopping the Venus Cycle effect upon US election cycles back into the discourse of SO'W with an eye toward November 5, 2024 when Venus will be in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius and future references to the 2024 Election will certainly turn up here on SO'W and elsewhere as time flees on. The CHIPS Act, PACT Act and Inflation Reduction Act are passed. Early Predictions Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election I decided not to include shifts pre-1996 in the model or rather I assign pre-1996 shifts a value of 0.0 because the political landscape was dramatically different after Reagan and Bush. Jupiter is going retrograde on June 20, 2021, in Aquarius sign. Already, after witnessing the lamentable handing of the pandemic in the USA, Chinese people young and old are convinced their communist country is far superior, whilst the power of the USA is fading. This election is anybodys ball game so far. Let us see how July, Aug, Sept, and Oct this year will play out for President Biden and Democrats. Corporate Greed and higher gas prices due to Ukraine war, are responsible for the high inflation. The poll numbers before October 25 have no meaning, because the momentum can quickly shift from one political party to the other political party between October 25 and the mid-term election day, if they make any mistakes / gaffes or some scandals take place. I will not trust any one poll from any pollster, unless I see similar results from many pollsters. McCarthy will be in some challenging time just before the midterm election, between Oct 24 and Nov 8, according to his astrology chart. Many went hungry and are still hungry. Things may be looking good for Republicans on the election night because most Republicans vote on the election day, and their votes will get counted first. You dont have to be a great mathematician to see that the next conjunction will be in 2025, which is the year Putins presidency officially was to end. You can figure out yourself who is causing inflation in US. Now the next time window when Trump can or will face the indictment is between March 1 and September 1, 2023. Light, Motion and the Body GOP knows voter fraud is a lie, but they keep promoting it. The results were delayed also because of eclipse. Kamala Harris. In my opinion Donald Trump will be in the first batch of indictments, and many low hanging fruits will be in second batch of indictments. Answer (1 of 6): Congress It is not party it is a living breathing universe in itself. Now they will pay the price at Ballot Box.The overturning of Roe vs wade could also be to change the news cycle away from Jan 6 committee's public hearings. Russian Flag up. Inflation and higher gas prices will have impact on our lives for few months, perhaps a year or so. U.S. WEEKLY Date: 14 February 2022 Early Predictions Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election Although the US presidential election is still more than two years away, opinion polling centers are already competing in providing polls that report on the popularity of potential candidates for the 47th president of the United States. Midterm election right now is anybodys ballgame. Mr. Singh is one of the few Vedic Astrologers in the west who is experienced and practiced in KP System branch of Vedic Astrology, which is far more precise and accurate, compared to all other available astrology systems. United States astrology chart indicate challenging time for the country between October 24 and November 15. Taurus Horoscope 2024 - Astrology Prediction by Bejan Daruwalla There was no red wave, because McCarthy and Trump were going through very weak and challenging time close to the mid-term election, this is what I had mentioned in my astrology updates close to the mid-term election in October / November 2022. ProfLichtman was also surprised by the disconnect between the White House race compared withtheelections for the Senate, House of Representatives and state legislatures. It is scary when you see the level of ignorance in the country. In my 2022 astrology predictions for President Biden, I had predicted, more than a year ago, that July 2022 will be a good month for President Biden to get things done. Neptune rules addiction, alcohol, art, compassion, enlightenment, fantasies, dreams, drugs, ideals . She has a great horoscope for governance with a full moon constellating harmoniously with Saturn in Aquarius, so competence, cooperation and leadership come naturally to her. We just pumped smoke through chimneys, cigarettes and exhaust pipes. Trump will be in more trouble after March 2023. Predictions 2021-2026. The January 6th Committee is starting public hearings of their findings in June. The period from February 2023 to October 2023 will be difficult one for the country. The Republican Party currently controls the U.S. House, where 218 seats are needed for a majority (when there are no vacancies). My revised prediction, as described below, is that Republicans will win the 2024 presidential election with 279 electoral votes, while Democrats will have a total of 259 electoral votes: In my revised prediction I keep my first three adjustments the same, and only change the estimated 2024 popular vote margin from Democrats winning by a margin of 5 points to Democrats winning by a margin of 3 points. My data suggests that Wisconsin and Florida are trending Republican too strongly for the Democrats to stand a change at winning these states in 2024, unless the nation as a whole has a dramatic shift left. Adjustment 1. We will see how these difficult periods will play out for President Biden. The astrology prediction has again come correct. May, June this year and November, December this year will be somewhat difficult months for American people. "True" answers favour the re-election of the incumbent, while "false" answers favour the challenger. Attorney General Garland just appointed Special Counsel to take over Biden Classified documents investigation. Biden / Harris will face decline in poll numbers. Joe Manchins stubbornness could cost Democrats 2022 mid-term election. 2022 could be one of the best years for Congress in a decade but only if IE 11 is not supported. But facing facts as this Saturnian astrologer prefers to do, we know that in 2021 the GOP is busy making a 2024 landslide for Democrats more difficult via repressive voting reforms in various states so that it will take an even larger landslide than ever before if we wish to best the nazi-loving cheaters of 2024. Young voters usually tend to have a low voter turnout. So, in my opinion Democrats will do better than the polls in this midterm election, could give them the surprise victory. The country will be out of woods by second quarter of year 2024. The time between now and April 2022, will be the most difficult and challenging period in President Bidens Presidential Term. Therefore I will no longer publish comments from or by "Anonymous." Donald Trump has divided the Republican party. If Democrats are ahead in polls between Oct 24 and Nov 8, then the House will stay with Democrats. For these unique cases, I manually adjust the states value to make it inline with what it was the years before and after the biased year. There were three vacancies. So, I will try to answer this question by analyzing President Bidens astrology chart. Because of Donald Trump Republicans lost the Georgia Senate races in 2020, and Mitch McConnell is Senate Minority Leader. Kevin McCarthy is going through very good period right now until October 24 this year. Election Day 2024: What Does the Venus Cycle Say? - Stars Over Washington The historian who predicted every presidential race since 1984 says Trump likely won't make a political comeback in 2024. The world is now going through a huge transition presaged by the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at zero Aquarius on the winter solstice in December 2020. Natives are advised to Talk to astrologers. Now this situation is going to change to some extent during the presidency of Rahul Gandhi. Coronavirus will be contained after Saturn leaves Capricorn sign in April 2022. See What Tomorrow Brings. This is the game of politics and astrology. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. With 2024 nearing, Kasba win might be too early to rejoice for MVA Dhangekar, a former Shiv Sena man who spent a few years with the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena, was the candidate of the Maharashtra . Question mark on Opposition unity as Congress puts up dismal show in N His North Node is at 3 Aquarius exactly on Chinas Moon and the 2026 Saturn-Neptune conjunction squares his Mars at 0 Cancer. Should the winner of the presidential election not be the candidate of any party listed in this market at the time of resolution, all contracts shall resolve to No. President Joe Biden's approval rating went up by 5 points in the latest poll on May 1. Donald Trumps time is really very troubling and challenging until May 1, 2024, especially the period from April 2023 to April 2024 is an unbelievably bad period for Trump. You are viewing: My model uses past election data to predict the future, and places greater weight on more recent political trends. Will Modi be PM again in 2024? Astrology Prediction 90% Americans agree that we need background checks before anybody could buy the gun. American Universitys distinguished professor of history, Alan Lichtman, shocked the world when he accurately predicted that Donald Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016. I hope you enjoyed my astrology predictions for former President. I predicted a Biden win in the beginning of August of this year based upon my prediction system that has been right ever since I predicted Ronald Reagans election in April of 1982, he said. President Biden has pretty much just four months, July, Aug, Sept, Oct this year to get his agenda done. Based upon these trends, I believe that the swing states of the 2024 election will be, in increasing order of how Democratic I think they will vote, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. By 2040 the air will be clear, the sky blue and the traffic a smooth uninterrupted flow. If GOP wins the House, then Kevin McCarthy will be the House Majority Leader in January 2023, and that will be good news for Donald Trump. Interactive Map Contested 2024. Hes baselessly accusing the other side of widespread fraud when in fact there was no such fraud., ProfLichtman also said that Mr Trumps behaviour was being enabled by those who work directly for him, as well as those who serve in some of the highest positions of power for the Republican Party, such asSenate majority leader Mitch McConnell. Oops, there was an error sending your message. Early voting data looks very good for Democrats. 976d; . With 2024 nearing, Kasba win might be too early to rejoice for MVA First of all the magnitude of the turnout. So don't waste your vote on inflation and higher gas prices. This will require a whole new set of treaties to avoid global meltdown. Also of interest is the so-called Tecumseh curse, which was the prediction that all presidents elected in zero years 1900, 1920, 1940 etc. It seems like the Special Counsel Jack Smiths Trump criminal investigations are in final stages also, as people in the Donald Trumps inner circle such as Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Mark Meadows are subpoenaed by the special counsel. Donald Trump's hold over the GOP party is slowly fading away. -Source: Allan J. Lichtman, The Thirteen Keys to the Presidency, Beta V.1.0 - Powered by automated translation, Look, I'm 73 years old and I've been doing these predictions for 40 years, and I get butterflies in my stomach every four years, Every indication, including statements from Republican election officials throughout the country, indicate that this was a remarkably smooth, full and fair election, and Donald Trump's challenges are entirely baseless, frivolous and dangerous, It doesn't look like the Republicans have anyone who fulfils the 'challenge charisma key', the once-in-a-generation inspirational candidate, like Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan. We have never had a losing president, or for that matter, any losing candidate, so openly and falsely and dangerously attack the foundations of our democracy. In my opinion 300+ million Americans will get vaccinated either by April 2022, or by end of 2022, and Coronavirus will be contained. The answer is yes, please click the link given below to see the astrology reading types, charges and how to schedule astrology consultation with me. Biden's approval rating now stands at 42%. Winners will be sworn in to serve in the 119th Congress in early January, 2025. In fact, turnout is even surpassing 2018 levels. The Country will go through challenging and difficult time between October 25 to November 15. There is nothing much President Biden or Republicans can do to control high inflation. My astrology prediction given 2 years ago was that Trump Indictments will come before May 1, 2024, most likely in the time window from March 4, 2023, to July 15, 2023, and Donald Trump will be on the Indictments list. 2025 House 119 th Congress. In this period it is highly likely that the technological dominance of China will be established. President Biden will be prone to some health problems during August, September, October, November, December 2022. So let us wait and see which political party will have the momentum going for them between October 25 and November 8, the election day, because that political party will win this mid-term election. Look what is happening right now, every day Trump is getting bad news. Because the election was on the day of the eclipse, we cannot see things clearly and we cannot know Gods plan for our country, but to wait patiently for the results to come. With the buildup of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, conditions were good for his autocratic and extreme governing style. Narendra Modi or Rahul Gandhi? Indian astrologers put out mixed Professor, congrats, good call, it reads, in large letters written in marker with Mr Trumps signature. In the coming days Trump will be going through very challenging time, the indictment will become almost inevitable as more hidden details will come to surface. So, in this time window we should see the indictments coming. In my opinion, Republicans made mistake by overturning Roe vs Wade before mid-term election. What is the future of the Indian National Congress as per Indian astrology? I had also indicated in my 2021 Biden Astrology predictions that President Biden will face further decline in poll numbers and opposition / enemies will be strong after October 2021. The solution to the high inflation is not the Republican party in power. You can see a list of unique circumstances and related adjustments in the fourth tab of my excel sheet, which is downloadable below. I had also indicated in my President Biden's Astrology article that there will be war like situation in 2023 also. I will be posting a Mid-Term Election Astrology update soon, stay tuned. March 2020 Stock Market Crash, Global War with invisible enemy Coronavirus, High unemployment in US, 3 years before these events took place (prediction given on internet on January 20, 2017). The 50-vote swing between my original prediction and my revised prediction is attributable to three states: Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, as these three states are trending Republican faster than other swing states, after taking into consideration the popular vote margin. Predicting the 2024 Presidential Election | by Gideon Heltzer - Medium Consensus 2024 House Forecast - 270toWin Biden will . The birth time has A rating, not AA rating. Now the Age of Air begins. You will see a paradigm shift in his personality and he will take Congress party to greater heights. Perhaps the curse was only effective for the period when Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions were in Earth signs. You can make your own predictions in the Dashboard and see the results at the bottom of the page. Mike Pence has been subpoenaed by Jack Smith, the Special Counsel, investigating Donald Trump last week for his grand jury testimony. Kansas protected abortion. Born on June 19, 1970, in Delhi, Rahul's zodiac sign is Gemini. Beijing. If Democrats have majority in House and Senate, then they can fix Roe vs Wade and Gun violence. The next election which will as usual be corrupt will be on March 17th 2024, when Saturn is at 11 Pisces and the Sun conjoins Neptune at 27 Pisces, so it is going to be a foggy affair. Go beyond sunsigns and see the personal effect of all the planets in your life. February 22, 2023 SOME THOUGHTS ON MIKE PENCE'S SUBPOENA AND TRUMP INDICTMENT Although Mr Biden has not indicated whether or not he plans to run for re-election, there is ample speculation that he might not. Although the Sun-Moon trine shows support from the People to the Party, Pluto on the Moon unleashes the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat. McCarthy's time is very bad from Oct 24 to Nov 13 this year close to the midterm election. #tripura #tripuraelections2023 #bjp #cpm #congress #astrology #tripuraelection2023 #tripuraelectionexitpoll Full Video Link https://youtu.be/rVj6eXIS6ZQWa. Thus, my model assumes 2024 will not be drastically different from 2020. This midterm election is on the day of the eclipse. Candidates win electoral votes because of nation-wide political sentiments existing at the time of elections (great examples are Reagan in 1984 and Clinton in 1996). 2024 House Election Interactive Map - 270toWin The conjunction squares the 1991 Russian horoscopes Sun, so it is likely that leadership is completely undermined at this time. This is not going to happen. Before we talk about Modi's horoscope beyond 2024, let us take a look at how things will pan out in the coming four years.

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will congress win 2024 astrology

will congress win 2024 astrology