act of 1871 and maritime admiralty law

Indeed, those who subscribe to a world-wide conspiracy of elite overlords controlling everything state that The Crown is one of the central operating locations. why werent ANY OF THEM HELD ACCOUNTABLE? 1. Your legislators will not apprise you of this information. For Life, Health And Longevity . The corporate constitution operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it is the same parchment that governs the Republic. Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. 729, 731 (1849). When we fail to plan, we plan to fail. 14th: In 1968, at the national governors conference in Lexington, Kentucky, the IMF leaders of the event proposed the dilemma the State governors were in for carrying out their business dealings in Federal Reserve Notes (foreign notes), which is forbidden in the national and State constitutions, alleging that if they did not do something to protect themselves the people would discover what had been done with their money and would likely kill them all and start over. As a slave, you are entitled to nothing other than what the corporation decides to give you at a price. There is a plan. However, this is worse than that. Our anthems proudly sing the praises of this nation, and we raise our voices, wave our flags and join in song but how many Americans realize they are not free? The Act Of 1871 Gave Jesuit Rothschild Control Of The USA - Revelation Timeline Decoded Revelation Timeline Decoded The Act Of 1871 Gave Jesuit Rothschild Control Of The USA August 12, 2020 by David This Revelation Timeline Decoded post features a video called The Most IMPORTANT History Lesson To even begin to understand what has happened to the Republic, we must look backward in time to the period following the Civil War. This is the way Roman Civil Law works and our form of governance today is based upon Roman Civil Law and Admiralty/Maritime Law better known as the Divine Right of Kings and Law of the Seas, respectively. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a passion for anything interesting, be it UFOs, the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the paranormal or conspiracies. If you dont believe it, read the 14th Amendment. However, in this instance, it is a reference to The Crown at Temple Bar which resides in the City of London. This affects our lives as citizens. L. 95432, 2, 4, Oct. 10, 1978, 92 Stat. Indeed, most see them as nothing but twisted truths on one level and outright nonsense on the other.[5]. Claim: The United States is a corporation formed in 1871 to strip residents of their rights. My Blog act of 1871 and maritime admiralty law Contact us. The kind of government THEY created was a corporation. THEY ARE DOING TO US, OUR CHILDREN, TO OUR GRANDPARENTS, OUR ANCESTORS..TO BRING IN THIS ONE WORLD CONTROL.A MUST READ WebThe Act of 1871. 77 U.S. (10 Wall) 557, 563 (1871). 4. However, following the Act of 1871, bankers and private companies were able to operate out of the District of Columbia. The Vatican against the Orthodox Church There is some very substantial confusion with regards to the Organic Act of 1871 in here-the act very basically overturned the Organic Act of 1801, which set up the government of the District of Columbia itself(i.e. LEARN 2 UNLEARN (Ep 123): Alarms, Zionist Protocols & Music! Let me explain: the original Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers read: The Constitution for the united states of America. [note that neither the words united nor states began with capital letters] But the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporate constitution, which is absolutely NOT the same document you think it is. As the District of Columbia is home to the (private) Federal Government, though, it operates under Maritime Law. Even if you show these thugs the law they will take your property anyway. 418, 444 (No. Government cannot be sovereign. Instead of absolute rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, we now have relative rights or privileges. In English-speaking countries, admiralty is sometimes used synonymously, but in a strict sense the term refers to the jurisdiction and procedural law of courts whose origins may be traced to the office of Admiral. Jeff Contrary to your comment people ARE waking up in mass. Rev Jesse Jackson was one of many. DC corporate munipal page is also worth reading, look up for yourself. (46 U.S.C. Theyre holding you as collateral for the DEBT, that theyre growing, and theyre doing the same to your kids, with your help, I might ad, so stop hitting the snooze button. We celebrate this day in honor of our independence. 2618, 2622.). According to the claims, the real purpose of the Act of 1871 was to create two separate entities. But yes, the word for was changed to of in the Act of 1871, if not before then. Team Law | [emailprotected], Posted on Sun 29 Dec 2002 01:49:44 PM EST by RFP. and, Can I see a ciopy f the loan agreement, bnetween the corporate US and the seven european nabker families, saying they swear our labor as collateral foro a loan? How could they do that? Lisa Guliani. One, a country (the United States of America), and the other, a corporation (the United States). I think youll stay awake for this lesson. 30101). admiralty maritime fourth treatise practitioner Furthermore, to blame, or demonize any one gear in the system is to fall short of comprehension of socliological pressures involved in the creation of a system that the minions cannot escape from. And if true, The Virginia Company is just one part of that overriding control.[6]. This is the way Roman Civil Law works and our form of governance today is based upon Roman Civil Law and Admiralty/Maritime Law better known as the Divine Right of Kings and Law of the Seas, respectively. It IS the government. Whenever the loss of United States nationality is put in issue in any action or proceeding commenced on or after September 26, 1961 under, or by virtue of, the provisions of this chapter or any other Act, the burden shall be upon the person or party claiming that such loss occurred, to establish such claim by a preponderance of the evidence. If you need an attorney, find one right now. act of 1871 and maritime admiralty law. It is in work. 77 U.S. (10 Wall) 557, 563 (1871). 3658; Pub. And is looked at as being some an admission regarding the control a very select few have over the rest of the worlds populace. WebWith the Judiciary Act, though, Congress placed admiralty under the jurisdiction of the federal district courts." Officially the United States court system operate under common law (or the Law of the Land). I read every single comment above and Im thrilled to find out that Im not alone. %%EOF Lisa Guliani After all, the above statement could be used in relation to many such incidents of the twentieth century. Constantines 6 Major Changes to Christianity, 4. This was done under the constitutional authority for Congress to pass any law within the ten mile square of Washington, District of Columbia. God rules a Monarchy, like it or not. 441 (1847), Sheppard v. Taylor, 30 U.S. (5 Pet.) Further, it is very important that we cease to attempt to fix them. Instead of hearing these storiews of Scottish interlopers and British foreigners who we employers created territorial governments municipal governments.. How in the hell did we allow them to create copy governments? They are the servants of the corporate government and carry out its bidding. We celebrate this day in honor of our independence. More importantly: this capacity does not limit you or your capacity to act in your sovereign capacity in any way. The admiralty judges only apply the maritime laws, whereas the common law is not restricted to only one aspect of law. (C) an instrumentality of the United States. You must be made aware that the members of Congress do NOT work for you and me. The United States A Crown Vatican Swiss Corporation. Voting to defund the police wont help. Screen shot everything. June 24, 2016 We agree, considering that they were created under the authority of Corp. U.S. 7th: Next (also 1913) Congress passed and entered the 17th amendment as ratified, even though the states had no opportunity to ratify the same. The great number of committees and sub-committees that the Congress has created all work together like a multi-headed monster to oversee the various corporate departments. And, you should know that every single one of these that operates outside the District of Columbia is in violation of the law. This is the Federal Government and is different from that of the United States. They own the roads, buildings, streets, utilities, pipelines, railways etc and the rules are spelled out about how they can acquire these things. (June 27, 1952, ch. 20, 3334 (1865), Grant-Smith-Porter Ship Co. v. Rohde, 257 U.S. 469, 476 (1922), Executive Jet Aviation v. City of Cleveland, 409 U.S. 249 (1972), Foremost Ins. act of 1871 and maritime admiralty lawfrases para conquistar a una mujer casada. The biggest problem with the so called Patriot Movement is that its proponents are all excited about uniting against the tyranny of Corp. U.S. even though they are blind to the truth, have no remedy, and bail out of the system hell bent for a rebellion that even the scripture says cannot be won. Webmaritime law, also called admiralty law, or admiralty, the body of legal rules that governs ships and shipping. hornbook admiralty ekirjat lataaminen ilmaiset 389, 393 (1871), Hudson v. Guestier, 8 U.S. (4 Cr.) hbbd``b` $gW >H0 D@`iKPw3012 YAg` D Instead, some people claim that such cases are operating under the same systems as when under British rule. Trust me, if were sending our kids to public school today, were not doing them any good. This is so outrageous. 344, 385390 (1848), The Vengeance, 3 U.S. (3 Dall.) This operates outside of the original Constitution. entering, or serving in, the armed forces of a foreign state if (A) such armed forces are engaged in hostilities against the United States, or (B) such persons serve as a commissioned or non-commissioned officer; or A MESSAGE FOR ANYONE WHO IS CRAZY ENOUGH TO CLAIM U.S. CITIZEN STATUS, Then, by passing the Act of 1871, Congress formed a corporation known as THE UNITED STATES. Webact of 1871 and maritime admiralty lawrhode island adult hockey league. They all of a sudden turned on 5G in WV. We change our thinking and we change our world. Mac Werner, WV Secretary of State, is ALSO on the Board of Directors of the Kanawaha Valley Psychiatric Hospital Institute in WV. We can also look to the Declaration of Independence, where we read: government is subject to the consent of the governed thats supposed to be us, the sovereigns. Admiralty law consists of both domestic law on maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private parties operating or using ocean-going ships. For example, one of the most important deities in Babylon was Queen Semiramis., I read all of above articles & comments w/ a grain of salt. Admiralty law is the law of the sea and banking law is international maritime law. It doesnt take too much study to see the near match in the words Columba and Columbia. 8 U.S. Code 1481. Many researchers even question whether the Federal Reserve is nothing more than The Virginia Company renamed. So, lets roll backward into the past for a moment. . It serves only to benefit the corporation. 344, 386 (1848), Waring v. Clarke, 46 U.S. (5 How.) This is the truth One of the most intriguing parts of the Virginia Company and British control of United States revolves around the Act of 1871. To even begin to understand what has happened to the Republic, we must look backward in time to the period following the Civil War. Forfeiture to the crown for violation of the laws of the sovereign was in English law an exception to the rule that admiralty has exclusive jurisdiction over in rem maritime actions and was thus considered a common-law remedy. Arent you enslaved enough already? As is the case under Roman Civil Law, our ignorance of the facts has led to our silence. TO TRUTH WEB SITES & TRUTH BLOGSTHERE WILL BE MANY AGAINST THE TRUTH FROM BEING AVAILABLE ON THE WEB ( NWO MEMBERS..AS OBAMA, & OTHERS TALK ABOUT IN THEIR SPEECHES ), A Review of EWTN: A Network Gone Wrong ~ Robert Sungenis, Ph.D U.S. Code WebSigned into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on February 21, 1871. Heres one for the people trying to fight this corruption & whom lost their Security Clearances. They give you the Social Security card which identifies you as the single person with authority to control the entity they created (on review: you may notice that the Social Security Administration was the creator of the entity, the GTF is its beneficiary and you were made its Trustee.) First of all, it ended all our rights of sovereignty [sui juris]. Webact of 1871 and maritime admiralty lawrhode island adult hockey league. And, finally, stop listening to the Bigfoot Patriot mythology that is espoused by those that only give these facts lip service. Investigate the other important religions and their doings in society, would you do it? My heartfelt thanks goes out to the following people for their gracious and generous assistance in researching this subject: Ken S. of American Revolution II Online News, Paul Walker of RMN News, Bob Taft, Stanooch, and Willy Whitten true Patriots, one and all. We call ourselves a free people in a land of liberty. addendum: the wveda corporate bylaws. 20 (1816), New Jersey Steam Navigation Co. v. Merchants' Bank of Boston, 47 U.S. (6 How.) This amendment is not only not ratified, it is not constitutional; the Constitution forbids Congress from even discussing the matter of where Senators are elected. This ruling laid the basis for subsequent judicial extension of jurisdiction over all waters, salt or fresh, tidal or not, which are navigable in fact.45 Some of the older cases contain language limiting jurisdiction to navigable waters which form some link in an interstate or international waterway or some link in commerce,46 but these date from the time when it was thought the commerce power furnished the support for congressional legislation in this field. 175, 183 (1837), The People's Ferry Co. v. Joseph Beers, 61 U.S. (20 How.) And their presence in the soon-to-be United States was for one reason only. I was excited to find this.At first anyway it has It has plausible deniability built right into it. The pdfs, the websites, the actual law? AND HERE THE TRUTH.avi Actually, theyve had you by the ass for as long as youve been alive. 4. 1046; Pub. The thought-process, however, and ways the dots have been connected are intriguing in their own right. If the People had known long ago to what extent their trust had been betrayed, I wonder how long it would have taken for another Revolution. Independent of, and unlimited by, any other, possessing or entitled to, original and independent authority or jurisdiction. Admiralty law consists of both domestic law on maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private parties operating or using ocean-going ships. Ignorance of the law is not considered an excuse. THEY must have signed SOMETHING to create D.C. right? See Cutler v. Rae, 48 U.S. (7 How.) 3rd: In said Act, Corp. U.S. adopted their own constitution (United States Constitution), which was identical to the national Constitution (Constitution of the United States of America) except that it was missing the national constitutions 13th Amendment. Somebody struck a nerve. Admiralty law consists of both domestic law on maritime activities, and private international law governing the relationships between private parties operating or using ocean-going ships. (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or. VISUALIZE THE WATER AT A LAKE ON A CALM DAY IT IS JUST LIKE GLASS NO RIPPLES. admiralty This is simply one such clue that those who subscribe to claims of secret control over the world including the United States feel endorses their argument. (5) These departments all belong to the corporation known as THE UNITED STATES. Co. v. Hall Brothers Marine R. & S. Co., 249 U.S. 119 (1919), Peoples Ferry Co. v. Joseph Beers, 61 U.S. (20 How.) Holy cow!! Claim: The United States is a corporation formed in 1871 to strip residents of their rights. This is known as the Federal Reserve and also operates under its own laws. Just trying to get to the truth here. Its a shame since law would be so much simpler. 261 0 obj <>stream ***WITH OUT MONEY, CREDIT, TRANSPORTATION, WEAPONS, AMMO, CONTACTS ( PEOPLE LIKE THEM ), SUPPORT SYSTEMS (FAMILY MEMBERS, FRIENDS), WITH OUT TRANSPORTATION, WITHOUT HOMES ( MANY OF THEM HAVE FORCED OUT, INJECTED, INFECTED, DISABLED THROUGH SICKNESS BY CHEMICAL, INJECTIONS, KILLED ), WITHOUT THEIR HEALTH ( WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO UsTHE NON N.W.O. Lest they challenge the influence of The Crown and the subsequent profits they could make.[2]. App. The Act provides that or even maritime law when the matters at issue have counterparts in land-side law. A decision was made to beat them to the northern territories. Nothing ever made sense until I learned how to study the Bible on my own.. And with an honest teacher.. Watch the shepherds chapel.. Brexit just passed giving the globalists a huge black eye and more people are jumping on the bandwagon daily! how much do driving lessons cost per hour; odjfs child care inspection reports; iogear gpsu21 default ip address; Thats because our REAL history is hidden from us. L. 99653, 18, 19, Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. With the Act of 1871, our Constitution was defaced in the sense that the title was block-capitalized and the word for was changed to the word of in the title. Many attorneys offer free consultations. 235 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1334D0AB2B7C7D48AFFFEB4363AC0447>]/Index[221 41]/Info 220 0 R/Length 76/Prev 46008/Root 222 0 R/Size 262/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream After all, they were put into place to indoctrinate and dumb down the masses not to teach us anything. Webhome improvement license nassau county. Although etymologically prev | next -Sx~1m30L/d L|RiF R 0 kf(, In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 15th: By 1971, every State government in the union of States had formed such private corporations (Corp. State), in accord with the IMF admonition, and the people ceased to seat original jurisdiction government officials in their State government seats. Not when one is referring to the context of a legal document, it isnt. All who read this article will not, can not, turn this situation around. Thats why we ask you to prove the truth for yourself and contact us with the evidence you discover. Yes, you do! LINK to what I found in my back yard. Now, having stated these historical facts, we ask you not to believe us, but rather prove these facts for yourself. salvador osuna nava. What can we do about it. maxwell in5d admiralty send Moreover, WHY would they do that? I found it interesting that it was stated that all 50 States became Corporations by 1971. (a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality WebCongress enacted the Extension of Admiralty Jurisdiction Act in 1948. IS REALLY HAPPENING, WHAT HAS BEEN DONE TO THEMEX. Just determining which laws apply in your circumstance can be a challenge. WebThe Constitution of the U.S.A. was formed in 1776, and the Constitution for the U.S. in 1871. Can someone PLEASE justonce, set a copy of the Constitution for the united states of America side by side with the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES? Public school today, were not doing them any good and banking law is international law! Word for was changed to of in the City of London Beers, 61 (! That we cease to attempt to fix them Oct. 10, 1978, act of 1871 and maritime admiralty law Stat be a challenge our.! 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act of 1871 and maritime admiralty law

act of 1871 and maritime admiralty law