civic responsibility in the bible

The disciples will understand fully only after the cross, though they do grasp in part Jesus amazing humility, which serves as a model for all of his disciples. at the proper time. (4) What should a Christian do when the government to which he is to be subject persecutes Christians unjustly? Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Historically, we group the human virtues around what are called the Cardinal Virtues. In verses 1 and 2 he maintains that the only logical response to the grace of God is that of the sacrificial presentation of our lives to God in worshipful service. Read on your preferred digital device, including smart phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. In fact, they do not consider certain things in relation to God at all. (2) The Premise (v. 1b). We should render both respect and honor to civic officials by virtue of their position. The reason we must make such distinctions is because 0000001200 00000 n 0000005208 00000 n The reason why such a command can be given is found in the second part of verse 1: For there is no authority except from God and those which exist are established by God (Romans 13:1b). But what of the times when this is not the case? Read More. Peter has just stated the general principle that Christians are to live holy lives as aliens and strangers on this earth (2:11-12). We are not permanent residents here, but are pilgrims journeying toward heaven. It would have been easy for his readers to conclude that we therefore have no civic responsibility here on earth. Love would immediately stifle any thought that leads to adultery, murder, theft, or any form of covetousness because love cannot harm. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. This isnt far at all from Pauls request that the church pray for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way (1 Tim 2:2). On the other hand, Moses specifically commands that parents should not be held accountable for their children's sins nor should children suffer the consequences of their parents' sin; "each is to die for his own sin" ( Deut 24:16 ). 107 Render therefore to all (in authority) their dues. Omit therefore. Four specifications are given: render tribute, personal or property tax, to him to whom it is due; fear, reverence (Meyer says veneration), to him who bears the sword for God; honor to all his subordinates. James M. Stifler, The Epistle to the Romans (Chicago: Moody Press, 1960), p. 218. What is a Christians responsibility to civil society? John Murray, The Epistle to the Romans (Grand Rapids: Wm. David was taken from the sheepfolds. vv. In the New Testament, elders shepherd by watching over and nurturing the church (Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. <]>> We must fully The Nation Ps 137; ro 13 miscellaneous topics relating to, government, kings, rulers, etc Civic duties Whoever will not observe the law of your God and the law of the king, let judgment be executed upon him strictly, whether for death or for banishment or for confiscation of goods or for imprisonment. Cf. The Cross And Our Response to Trials (1 Peter 4:12-19), 8. It is our contention that it is the duty and responsibility of every Christian to vote and to vote for leaders who promote Christian principles. E While our specific obligation to civic officials is to submit, our obligation to men in general is to love them. If they did, he would punish the children for the idolatry of the fathers "to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, " but he would show "love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments" ( Exod 20:5 ; Deut 5:9 ). 24:6). For usage information, please read the Baker Book House Copyright Statement. The real issue behind the matter of capital punishment is the character of God. (c) Prayfor those in authority (I Timothy 2:1-3). In some sense, the Jews needed to come to terms with their state of affairs, and the Romans needed to know that Jews would not give up their ultimate loyalty. He is teaching that love must be the driving force, the motivation, of everything we do. Christ gives specific spiritual gifts to people in the church whose primary mission is to minister the word of God (Eph. HSn0+Hm =896m+p$R;J(PHV$wvvgxys+`e_Cva 'E/. Peters example is that of servants, who are to be in subjection to their masters, even the cruel ones (2:18). There is no reason for the Christian to fear government for its purpose is to punish evil-doers and to reward those who do good. We are actually called to do so! . The government authorities, then, exist by the authority granted them by the supreme authority, God Himself. Up until now Paul had been the recipient of the privileges of Roman citizenship. Although men may demand justice, they cannot demand mercy or grace (Romans 9). much will be required. for it does not bear the sword for nothing (Romans 13:4c). But love toward God, the love of God, can motivate us to do what the law says to do but cannot motivate us to do. A simple yes would have given the Pharisees grounds to accuse him, and a simple no would have given the Herodians grounds to charge him. Some would argue that capital punishment, though practiced in the Old Testament economy, surely can find no place in our age. But this reign comes subversivelynot through the power structures, not through the political process, not through votes, but through His people, His church. In Galatians 6:10, Paul says, So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially those who are of the household of faith. Let your primary concern be of Christ and his people, though at every chance, do good. The Roman government viewed Christianity as merely a sect within Judaism (e.g. Pay the tax (or tribute, direct taxation) to him to whom the tax is due, the levy (indirect taxation, such as customs dues) to him to whom the levy is due; pay reverence to him to whom reverence is due, honour to him to whom honour is due. Barrett, p. 247. All of the instances such as this in the Old Testament to my knowledge are due to the direct revelation of God. Likewise, Eve sought to lay the blame on the serpent ( Gen 3 ). I find in my own life that the fear of legal punishment in no way measures up to the fear of grieving God. Where do people get their ideas regarding what is moral? The translation of Sanday and Headlam reflects this sense: Let your only debt that is unpaid be that of lovea debt which you should always be attempting to discharge in full, but will never succeed in discharging.109, Paul is not saying that we should never incur debts, but that we should quickly and speedily pay every debt except that of love. Submission to flip amazon front Each person individually will give an account to God ( 14:12 ). Those in the church with a position of authority also receive it from God (I Corinthians 12:18, 28). Bruce, p. 236, fn. We should take just a moment to consider the institution of civil government during the time of the Tribulation. 100 The rendering damnation of the King James Version is inaccurate, for eternal judgment is not in view here. For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. He restores my soul. It is my prayer that you have come to trust in the Person and work of Jesus Christ, Who died in your place and bore the penalty for your sins. Those who reject the possibility of civil government taking the life of a human being try to convince us either that the God of the Old Testament is not the same as in the New Testament, or that God has somehow changed. So, be informed about what is good, and act to promote it for the common good. He is saying that our exclusive and primary obligation to men is to love them. Acts 5:34-37) and it was a Jewish revolt which precipitated the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. (3) The Principle Involved (v. 2). Additionally, we must pay our taxes since doing so demonstrates our regard for the government. But there is a purely Christian motivation for obedience, aside from the fear of punishment. The Cross And Christs Suffering For Sins (1 Peter 3:18-22), 6. (Revelation 13:11-12). His holiness demands a payment for sin, and in this life human government has been charged with the responsibility of avenging evil (v. 4). In chapter 12 Paul had instructed those who named the name of Christ as Savior to avoid retaliation and repaying evil for evil. Additionally, Dr. Fuller has served on committees and boards of the Kentucky Baptist Convention. 147-148. Since law establishes standards of conduct, those standards are the establishment of religion, a way of life we are to be devoted to following. (1) Are there times when a Christian should disobey government? But Paul did more than pray. In the Old Testament these are kings and judges (2 Sam. You can be a believer and serve faithfully in civic roles for the common good and, if you do, nothing requires you to check your faith at the door. and Satan will be allowed to have his day. 864.328.1809 | MINISTRY@ANDERSONUNIVERSITY.EDU, Chuck FullerFebruary 18, 2016Chuck Fuller, Uncategorized. In these verses also we are given a clue as to the rightful attitude toward the Law as it relates to grace. Laws are stated and have penalties. Support the election process for local, state, and national leaders. T. C. Hammond, Christian Freedom, 178ff., on the effects of the doctrine of the Fall on ethical theory. I want it to be very clear that there are no loopholes in this first verse. Heres the key as we seek to do this: we must influence our culture, remembering that we are first and foremost followers of Jesus. 0000007087 00000 n The United States has no such covenant with God. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. Blog, A The New Testament is full of imperatives and God is just and righteous in expecting us to meet them, out of gratitude, out of a desire to worship Him in Christian service, and by the power God has provided in the Holy Spirit. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you (John 15:20). This is the weaker of the two. Persecution in the courts is already an established fact, and outright persecution on the streets cannot be very many years away. Indeed, this is precisely what is occurring in our time. Homiletical theology comprises Dr. Fullers primary research area, as demonstrated in his recent book, The Trouble With Truth Through Personality: Phillips Brooks, Incarnation, and the Evangelical Boundaries of Preaching. Like Moses (Ex. S The Lord Jesus Christ had been executed on the pretext of treason (John 19:12) and Paul himself had been accused of insurrection (Acts 16:20, 21). Immigration? Just as the human body is one with many members (lit., body parts, limbs), so the church is united though it is composed of many members. If God has ordained the existence of a government and we disobey it, we resist not only government, but God. WebCivil disobedience is the intentional act of disobeying a civil law or authority because of a conviction that one has a higher responsibility. . Z. 34:2324). To be no longer under Law, but under grace does not mean that there are no standards, no commands, no necessity of obedience. The latter description (cf. In the light of our Lords return, we have two pressing responsibilities: (1) To submit to civil government. This sets up an interesting paradox because we owe everyone more than we can ever hope to pay. In order to guarantee that you will receive your order by Easter, you must choose UPS Next Day Air. 0000004088 00000 n Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. 1:7; etc.). God is the source of all authority. (2) The Bottom LinePay Up (vv. He does not say love ends the need for law but that it fulfillsperforms or accomplishesthe law. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? 22:25; Psalm 37:26; Matt. Paul instructs us to submit to governing authority since they have been instituted by God in Romans 13:1-7. Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. There are not fixed rules by which to determine who is a real conservative or a real progressivethese ideologies are constantly in flux. Government was ordained of God in Genesis chapter 9 to restrain the evil intents of the hearts of men. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3) are a similar example. Publication date: Sep 25, 2022. Read More, The role of counselors is to aid a person in making wise decisions (cf. Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. Jeremiah the prophet mailed a letter to the exiled Jews in Babylon, telling them to seek the welfare of the city . xb```"V ce`a@d8# '#G'G%{5g9{5:["G6(AaKUNqhVD+r72&0IcAJ^% Ke`1Lk w)m*k kURh^aV@%U@F 1%c XKG$:Z99@2 9 b`r"@,t:& For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. F 158-159. 0000009542 00000 n 12:28; Eph. The heart of Pharisaism was to twist the Law into the service of the individual at the expense of others. Indeed, the Bible cites and commends numerous examples of believers engaging in civic matters for the benefit of society. Race relations? To the Israelites, God gave the Law; it brought privilege but also greater responsibility ( 2:9 ). Laws reveal to us our religious and/or civic duties. It shall not be so among you. All commentary sections adapted from the ESV Study Bible. But God is unchanging and He hates sin. Now I want you to observe this verse closely, for it reveals to us what the basis is on which a government should be acknowledged and obeyed. D But, as you do, your faith may introduce real tensions to your work. The paraphrase of such a view would be something like this: Owe no man anything, except for non-depreciating items. If we are to understand Paul to condemn the borrowing of money altogether, then at least let us be consistent in our application and refuse to borrow money for any and every type of purchase. What the Bible says about For instance, they do not want people to murder because it is not good for the nation. B. Eerdmans, 1968), II, pp. 2), said that the emperor expelled the Jews from Rome because they were constantly rioting at the instigation of Chrestus (a variant spelling of Christus).98 The point is simply that the Roman government was all too aware of a revolutionary sect within Judaism and since both Jesus and His followers were accused of attempting to overthrow Roman rule, any civil disobedience would be viewed with suspicion. When you desire wisdom, be encouraged to go to him and his word in prayer. In this way, in the words of Martin Luther King Jr. , the church can truly be the church. In some respects, seeking strictly biblical answers to these larger questions is difficult, mainly because we find ourselves neither in the political position of Old Testament Israel nor the New Testament Church. Jesus concluded the teaching of a parable with the statement, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked" ( Luke 12:48 ). Even when fear of punishment is no factor, I do not desire to grieve my heavenly Father by civil disobedience. He offers the riches of heaven in place of the torment of Hell. (3) Does Romans 13 or any other Scripture teach passivism toward government? WebA wifes responsibilities can be properly understood only in the context of loving, servant leadership by her husband. In a recent online interview, Bruce Ashford raises an important point concerning the way Christians discuss politicswe tend to run directly to particular issues. Psalm 78:72. 1. Jer. 0000003491 00000 n 0000001459 00000 n Love takes the place of the letter and makes all moral duties not only light, but a delight. Stifler, p. 219. Mark 7:6-13; esp. What should a Christian think about abortion? (From Forerunner Commentary). We can conclude that Paul claims that if one exercises God's love in paying his debt to man, he will keep the commandments. Peter and the apostles (Acts 5, note especially v. 29, 40-42) refused to obey the order that they speak not in the name of Jesus. Our Lords statement in Matthew 22:21 Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesars and unto God the things that are Gods, demonstrates the fact that the Christian finds himself in two spheres of authority. The sword is so frequently associated with death as the instrument of execution (cf. The subject of the Christians obligations to civil government was far from academic in Pauls day. As Christians, we indeed adhere to a set of fixed, transcendent ideas, and so find ourselves in an awkward spot. WebFor Catholics, public virtue is as important as private virtue in building up the common good. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. (1) The Precept (v. la). 18); one means by which this future wrath is anticipated is the magistrates sword. (3) A Lesson in Submission. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. 110 This Law of Love is initially directed to our love as Christians for one another (verse 8), but it becomes more general in verses 9 and 10 to encompass our neighbor. Thus the Christian is commanded to love his wife (Ephesians 5:25), his neighbor (Romans 13:9), and even his enemy (Matthew 5:44-45). This is part of the "divine right of kings" principle. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Wisdom is, first and foremost, from the Lord. 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civic responsibility in the bible

civic responsibility in the bible