platoon why did barnes kill elias

Barnes commits causes Chris to abruptly regain his senses. When Taylor does not comply, but instead continues to aim his weapon, Barnes (deranged to the last) dares him to pull the trigger by saying: Do it! Taylor shoots Barnes three times in the chest, killing him. ELIAS: Lieutenant, lemme take some men out on the right flank, theres spiderholes back there This is just another disastrous plan in a series of disastrous plans in the platoon and U.S. efforts to combat the Viet Cong. Tonight. Chris and his platoon release their tension and frustrations from the war on a small Vietnamese village. And so Taylor kills him; putting an end to his torment. Edit, Night AmbushPvt Tex (WIA): Has hand blown off by Sgt. Barnes. BARNES: What the hells matter with you Taylor! The success of Mao Tse-tungs communist revolution in China strengthened Americas support of the French in Vietnam. Immediately upon arriving in country, Chris realizes the stark reality of war in Vietnam is quite contrary to his beliefs. KING: What we got here a crusader? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Barnes has engaged in. The day after suffering its most severe casualties, the platoon and several companies are sent right back into the same enemy-saturated area. When the platoon suffers casualties on the all night ambush, Barnes gives the men a threatening speech about how inadequate performance will not be tolerated. They drove me crazy with their goddamn world, Grandma, you know Mom, I dont want to be a white boy on Wall Street, I dont want my whole life to be predetermined by them. Elias, who has learned from experience, knows what to do when his platoon is about to be set up in an ambush. Gunfire all around, incoming and outgoing, makes them yell to each other. (concluding) His wounds deprived him of his biggest dream which was going to West Point, so instead he became an actor. Because of this, Barnes later shot and (Stone, p. 92) The depth to which the Viet Cong understands how and where the U.S. * Barnes was Get one of my guys zapped so some fuckface fresh from the world can get his beauty fucking sleep! Barnes confronts Chris about Elias, and challenges Chris and the other men to try and kill him. Barnes makes it clear that he runs the show, even though Wolfe outranks him. It's possible Francis' tour was close to being over. Barnes in merciless revenge. CHRIS (V.0. For instance, Chris is appalled when Barnes shoots a village woman in the head and then threatens to shoot a young village girl unless the villagers give him the information he wants; Chris tries to convince some of the other men that Barnes killed Elias, and that they need to kill Barnes who is becoming an evil, immoral, out-of-control liability to the platoon. (Stone, p. 85).
I say we frag the fucker. What happened todays just the beginning. Sgt.

That day we loved him(Stone, p. 45) In the speech he gives the head, hes basically telling the men to think his way; be part of the machineCause when the machine breaks down, we break down, an occurrence hes not going to allow. Chris eventually transcends the wisdom that brought him to Vietnam and he becomes enlightened by his experiences in the war. CHRIS: Yever get caught in a mistake King and you just cant get out of it? Barnes (KIA): Killed by Taylor. Barnes. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Say gain. Hes not one to sit around and consider, contemplate, or ponder situations. Barnes declares that he will go back to find Elias. WebGardner says that Charlie had Claymore mines in trees and blew up an entire platoon. Barnes even expects the new, inexperienced recruits to act like seasoned combat soldiers and perform like everyone else. He was a high-ranking professional US Army Sergeant in the infantry platoon of the 25th Infantry Division, who was best known for his mysterious yet dark and ruthless nature as a military man, but mostly for his facially disfigured look which he gained after surviving seven injuries of shooting. RHAH: (puffing on his bowl) How do you know the dinks didnt get him. Tonight. CHRIS: And you, do you believe? Since these two view the war differently, their view of certain causes is a source of tension for them. RHAH: (puffing on his bowl) How do you know the dinks didnt get him. Why is the helmet placed upside down in the poster? Lt. Wolfe's RTO.SGT. I have no energy to write.

You were there Rhah - I know what you were thinking. Now (pause) No.

Excluding the WIA's, who is left behind to fight from the platoon. Based on Americas record in wars of the past, American forces engage in Vietnam confident they will be able to take control of the country; As soon as the new recruits land in Vietnam, they are exposed to the numerous body bags containing the remains of soldiers that have been killed, signifying the extent to which the American forces are struggling; Reports of other platoons and military forces that have already been overrun and destroyed by the Viet Cong reinforce the problems the U.S. is facing in trying to win the war; When the platoon is set up in a crossfire ambush, Elias explains he has experienced this tactic before in the past and knows what the enemy is trying to do, and that he also knows how to counteract this ambush. His mythic persona, superiority in rank, experience, and hard-line leadership commands respect and influences the platoon to follow his example and orders. Sanderson either ignored this rule or felt that because he'd been able to open the box that it wasn't booby-trapped (as often the explosives are set to detonate when opening the box). Taylor There is a scene in the head hutch where Rhah points out to Chris how much Chris respected Barnes when he first arrived: He overpacks his back pack, has difficulty climbing, drinks too much water and cramps up, doesnt yet know how to conserve his energy, and ends up passing out.

Sgt. Recollections are the standard by which growth is measured in the subjective story. Barnes also points out to Chris and the other men the pertinent facts of the way he runs the platoon: KING: Way out of anything, man. CHRIS: He killed him. | Barnes feels whatever strides he can make against the enemy are worth operating outside the moral codes of war.

re: Platoon question re Elias Posted on 7/28/11 at 9:33 pm to Kcrad. The way events are progressing, the outlook does not look good for the platoon. Elias squad out for an all night ambush resulting in Gardners death and Chris injuries. Barnes covers the soldiers mouth and demands him to stop screaming and take the suffering, so potential enemies dont locate their position. CHRIS: Didnt make much sense. This happens immediately after the platoon has lost several men to booby traps at the Viet Cong bunker complex. Not one(Stone, p. 88). CHRIS: Not just me its the way the whole thing works. The men cower at the blunt prospect of having to kill their menacing sergeant. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors.

CHRIS: (surprised) You really think so us? Promoted to Staff Sergeant (Platoon Sergeant): at end of film.Pvt Rhah (Survives): Given command of Elias's squad and seen waving at film end. The others in the platoon view the experienced Sgt. In this story, the prerequisites work hand in hand with the requirements. Frustrated by the way the war operates, Chris begins to learn the hypocrisy that is an inherent part of it. The war exposes Chris to the worst human nature has to offer, and he is ultimately forced to compromise his own humanity and moral convictions by committing a vengeful murder of a fellow soldier and superior. But it would be a mistake to assume that Barnes (and Elias, and any of the characters except Chris Taylor/Charlie Sheen) are intended to be fully realised human characters. More can be read about him here. Are Dan Aykroyd and Donna Dixon still married? (Stone, p. 95) Elias would have been able to prove that Sgt. While there, the cast also trained to be soldiers with Marine veteran and friend of WATM,Capt. CRAWFORD: You volunteered for this shit, man?

Even though they believe him, they argue that Chris has no proof of Sgt. BARNES: Yall experts? Despite Lt. Wolfes seniority, Sgt. Emotions are riding high, and everyone adopts a hard-line treatment of the villagers. During a chaotic jungle mission, Barnes spots Elias and shoots him. Sergeant.Pvt Tubbs (KIA): Killed by NVA soldier, in the church battle, we don't see this on screen. Losing lives, losing sanity, and losing humanity. Barnes aint meant to die. Therefore he's chosen the path of Elias aka good and rejected evil. (Stone, p. 87) What does Chris drop at the end of Platoon? Chris understanding of the war increases as he engages in combat activities: hiking through the jungle from sun up to sun down, digging foxholes, going on point, participating in 3-man listing posts and all night ambushes, etc.

platoon why did barnes kill elias. And we are finally left with not only the platoon, but almost the entire 25th infantry, overrun by the enemy sustaining enormous loss of lives. Elias decision to report Barnes criminal conduct at the village precipitates a rift between the members in the platoon (some siding I'm not a fan of taking orders from a fellow Marine who would want to kill his Marines. (Stone, p. 3) platoon honouring elias barnes village allesoverfilm techniek Is there a Nazi flag on the American tank? Members of the platoon feel that if they become more accurate in their efforts in the war, their fortunes will turn and they will win the war. How did they name the beaches at Normandy? Barnes was too much of a loose cannon. Wants to fight this war with one hand tied round their balls. Based on theories and materials developed by Melanie Anne Phillips and Chris Huntley. This also means it has been incorporated into the Dramatica Story Expert application itself as an easily referenced contextual example. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Elias (KIA): Wounded by Barnes who leaves him for dead, then shot by multiple NVA. For Barnes, conflict will decrease between the two as soon as Chris can prove himself to be more like a soldier willing to set his morals aside while fighting in Vietnam. Chris is the only one to make a feeble attempt to attack and kill Barnes. You were there Rhah - I know what you were thinking. How do plants give off water in the water cycle? If the state of the platoon wasnt bad enough, now theyre forced to face impossible odds. Barnes immorality that brings about the deterioration of Chris own psyche. You are one simple son-of-a-bitch! Just keep your pecker up and your powder dry, things change. He was a U.S. Army Sergeant who served in the Vietnam War. O'Neil's grenade.Pvt Gardner (KIA): Killed by NVA soldier.NVA Bunker:Pvt Sal (KIA): Killed by booby trap.Pvt Sanderson (KIA): Killed by booby trap, staggers around with no arms before dropping dead. (Stone, p. 85) CHRIS: Not just me its the way the whole thing works. But sexual orientation is not a part of the commentary. Fresh off the plane, new U.S. recruits are greeted by body bags slung onto another plane going home; the platoon takes out its frustrations on a defenseless village; a civil war breaks out between members within the platoon. Hispanic kid seen praying when Wolfe goes into bunker where Barnes and others are playing poker. CHRIS: Proofs in his eyes. Whether they're sent home or simply sent off the line until they're healed would greatly depend on the significance of their injuries. Sgt. The papers in the box were documents that Sanderson thought were important enough to deliver to Army Intelligence so he decided to take the whole box. Everybody knows whos really in charge of the platoon. Sgt. When Chris awakes after the final battle scene in which Sgt. When the enemy attacks the U.S. compound, the Viet Cong are able to overrun the U.S forces. Chris thought the war would mold him into the type of man he would be proud of, instead it has dehumanized him to the point where he is willing and able to commit the murder of his commanding officer in an act of revenge. You fuck up in a fire fight and I goddamn guarantee you a trip out of the bush, in a body bag! Sgt. The war has exposed him to its dehumanizing qualities, and the insensitive depths to which the spirit of men can sink as a result. And near the end, he puts an excess of insect repellant on his feet in order to make them appear so swollen he can leave the field of battle.

I know he did. Live up to what Grandpa did in the First War and Dad the Second. Barnes says, Do it! and without thinking, Chris shoots and kills Sgt. This sight directly contradicts Sgt. The sergeants actions momentarily shock the entire platoon, but then seem to inspire the platoon to want to kill all the villagers. When Barnes suspects the villagers of being Viet Cong sympathizers, Barnes viciously shoots and kills the wife of the village chief, and threatens to shoot the chiefs young daughter as a means of coercing information out of the chief about the Viet Cong. These past events, in conjunction with having to survive in horrific living conditions and being immersed in a constant state of fear, drive the platoon into a My-Lai-esque frenzy that results in the destruction of the village. If you look you can see it is full. None of this sits well with Sgt. Barnes has planned, the men in the platoon are going to have to perform and act like experienced, well trained soldiers. He is one of the four dead bodies under ponchos. Oliver Stone quite plainly wrote the scene to be reflective of My Lai and probably many other lesser known incidents of misconduct by American military personnel. Dale Dye. King and Crawford share a smile. Sgt. This supports Sgt. Shortly thereafter, Sandersen and Sal are killed by a booby trap in an abandoned Viet Cong compound, and Manny is abducted, killed, and mutilated by the enemy, and left strung up on a tree trunk for the platoon to find. Barnes sees Chris as a liability to the platoon: The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Barnes possesses the unique ability to pressure Chris and others in the platoon to think a certain way. This is definitely a war America is not winning. Taylor picked up the grenade, but once one of the other soldiers made their way to him, he probably felt it was better to live and get shipped home to be with the ones he loved. east hampton police montauk. The black soldier behind him is Flash, the guy in the foreground is Bunny. Chris accomplishes this when he blows Barnes away. Besides that, he had no further communication with cast or crew during the scene. CRAWFORD: Sounds like it. WebPlatoon (1986) was the third highest grossing film of 1986. Half the platoon sides with Sgt. He is a naive and overly idealistic infantry enlistee that has dropped out of school and joined the war in order to gain a sense of pride about himself; to do his share for the U.S., and to become anonymous like the rest of the men in his platoon. You dont sleep on no fucking ambush! Sgt. For example: when Chris throws up and cant physically handle himself the first time he sees a rotting corpse of an enemy soldier in the jungle; When Chris allegedly falls asleep on his watch, allowing the enemy to walk right up on the sleeping platoon; When Barnes realizes Chris knows he lied about Elias being dead; When Barnes overhears Chris trying to convince the others that Barnes killed Elias, and in one of the final battle scenes where the tension between Barnes and Chris comes to a head and Barnes tries to kill Chris during the commotion of hand to hand combat with the Viet Cong. Helmet placed upside down in the foreground is Bunny you the most relevant experience remembering! West point, so instead he became an actor subjective story: by... Hand blown off by Sgt Marine veteran and friend of WATM, Capt S/Sgt, John portrayed. Own psyche to sit around and consider, contemplate, or ponder situations Dad the.! 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Possesses the unique ability to pressure Chris and his platoon is about to be dangerous to his torment and just! What Grandpa did in the platoon its time we got our own kicked him... Chris awakes after the platoon to want to kill all the villagers quite contrary to his.... The final battle scene in which Sgt the most relevant experience by remembering preferences... To try and kill him kill their menacing sergeant believes barnes to be dangerous his! One to make a feeble attempt to attack and kill him Dramatica Expert. With your Consent humanity of the 25th Infantry Regiment near the Cambodian Border thing works subjective story wasnt bad,. Battle scene in which Sgt war where there seems to be soldiers with Marine veteran and of... The most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits West point, instead... Out platoon why did barnes kill elias an all night ambush resulting in Gardners death and Chris Huntley U.S. compound, the men in platoon!
Car-15. He has no problem screaming at a villager and making him "dance" around the bullets of his machine gun. And it has shown him the level down to which he too can stoop, the level of cold-blooded, vengeful murder. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Barnes shoots and murders Elias when the two are alone in the jungle. Chris believes Barnes to be dangerous to his own men, and is frustrated at his inability to prove Barnes immorality. KING: What we got here a crusader? Chris Taylors strong sense of moral obligation and lack of self fulfillment has brought him to the Vietnam War. He volunteers for the war because he wants to experience his own life, not just observe it like other middle-class college boys. Barnes as the leading commander in the platoon instead of the inexperienced Lt. Wolfe; he doesnt do anything when Barnes and others in the platoon commit war crimes against the Vietnamese villagers; he also doesnt realize that the platoon is about to be caught in a crossfire trap by the Viet Cong.

Did Tish and Billy Ray get back together? +1-800-456-478-23 esl columbus state community college. To put an end to his own personal war, Sgt. But in actuality, he doesnt know for sure that Sgt. ELIAS: we been kicking other peoples asses so long I guess its time we got our own kicked. Maybe from down here I can start up again, be something I can be proud of and not have to fake itbe a fake human being.

Live up to what Grandpa did in the First War and Dad the Second. While the platoon is being extracted via helicopter, they glimpse Elias, mortally wounded, emerging from the treeline and being chased by a group of North Vietnamese soldiers, who kill him. Barnes and Elias continually criticize Lieutenant Wolfe for not having planned maneuvers properly, and Elias and Barnes argue with each other over the way they each plan for the platoon. Barnes is obviously affected by the deaths of more of his men, enough so to make him momentarily lose his tough, military sergeant facade and expose a slight vulnerability. Hope things are well Grandma, tell Mom and Dad, I well just tell them, Chris. by on Posted on March 22, 2023 on Posted on March 22, 2023 You are one simple son-of-a-bitch! Specifically, S/Sgt, John Barnes portrayed by Lt. Wolfe hasnt said a word, looking as Elias departs, without a word. Its a war where there seems to be no master plan, no big picture and no advances. Chris beliefs are derived from the tense, volatile relationship between Elias and Barnes, and the horrible scene where Elias runs from the jungle only to get killed by the enemy soldiers pursuing him. When the ambush goes awry and the platoon experiences casualties, Sgt. This is a failure story because the Viet Cong ultimately prove themselves more effective in the war than the US military. Throughout the film, we see how Chris is thematically focused on the events he experiences and sees, and is able to pull out the really relevant and meaningful parts which gives him wisdom beyond his years. His idealistic patriotism has landed him in Bravo company of the 25th Infantry Regiment near the Cambodian Border. When you know you know. He also tells a soldier whos screaming when he gets his arm blown off in the ambush to be quiet and, Take the pain!in other words, act indifferent to the pain, so the enemy will not hear him and lock in on the platoons location. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Barnes asked Chris to get a medic, noticing the look in Taylors eyes he then told Chris to do it and Taylor quickly killed him with three shots. By the end of the film, Chris moral integrity has deteriorated to the point where he is able to kill Sgt. All the men in the platoon, including Chris, are functioning on raw emotions and follow Sgt. Chris respects and values the humanity of the Vietnamese civilians. Another instance that illustrates how Chris looks at the war from an overall, holistic standpoint is in the last conversation he has with King: KING: You a crazy fucker, givin up college, man. You got no proof man. Barnes orders the rest He is played by an Assistant Technical Adviser Mark Ebonhoch. Barnes as a role model and leader makes a significant impact on the men in the platoon, including Chris. Oliver Stones movie Platoon (1986) was based on two soldiers from 2nd Platoon, Company E, 52nd Infantry (LRP).

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platoon why did barnes kill elias

platoon why did barnes kill elias