prayer for husband to stop smoking

Protect him from opinions intended to sway him from Your Word., Dont work only while being watched, as people-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, do Gods will from your heart. Discussing about; Prayer for my son to stop smoking, Prayer to stop smoking and drinking. In Jesus' name, Amen. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He always had a smoking fetish as a For this Reddit user, his sons smoking addiction started early: at only 13 years old. This world can be a fearful place and I pray that You would give my husband courage. Aside the physical condition the smoker goes through, it makes him loose the sense of spirituality because once you are unclean, you cant hear from above or will the holy spirit dwell in you. Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Christian's Prayer To Quit Smoking Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Saviour and I thank You that He died to pay the price for my sins and to set me free from the power of sin and death. Help us to be of one spirit and of one mind and value each other above ourselves, looking out for each others interests (Philippians 2:2-4). Help me bring back the man that was here before this addiction took control. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. Your husband can not do the Will of God if hes a chain smoker. Colossians 3:19 NIV. God heard you and i could not be more grateful. Only Jesus and St. Faustina were able to help. Youve given marriage as a holy relationship that reflects our relationship with You. Thank you, Lord., Do you see a person skilled in his work? And if you are not yet married, be sure to pray for your future husband! This is especially true for younger smokers who are under the influence of their friends and families while theyre still developing habits that can last a lifetime. It can also lead to untimely death of the smoker. 5 Quit Smoking Tools That Make Praying More Powerful, 4. He deserves a wife who continually intercedes on his behalf not so that You will fix him, but so that You will bless him, walk beside him, and know what is most important to his heart. Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Saviour, and thank You that He died to pay the penalty for my sins and set me free from the power of sin and death. In the same vein, I pray for every boy out on the street whose life has been disrupted by smoking, I pray that you will help them out of that condition in the name of Jesus. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Trusting in a higher power can help you face lifes challenges without nicotine dependence. Amen. "Sometimes all it takes, is just ONE PRAYER to change everything." Start Here: Subscribe for more videos and c. The devil uses something like that to change a man towards their family. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. Prayer helps you keep a healthy routine and stay on track. St. Benedict (jumped in a briar bush when he was tempted by sins of the flesh, so I guess smoking would count, he was . However, when they started indulging in the act, they began to lose every consciousness of life and they get to drift away by the euphoria of smoking. Prayer reminds you of how smoking affects other people. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Protect him from temptation and fill him up . It can help you feel less alone in your quit efforts and more capable of handling lifes stresses without reaching for a cigarette. I pray that today, God will deliver your son from smoking. You can also add prayer breaks to your daily routine. The thought of having to. For more: 19 Powerful Prayers For Pregnant Mothers. Despite the health institution warning that smokers are expected to die young, it is still a thing of amazement to me that many young men are still caught in the book of smoking. For even more inspirational articles, shareable Ecards and hundreds of Christian tools and resources, check out today! I come against every power that wastes peoples destinies. Bless me with your divine strength. Wives - print these to keep by your bedside, in the car, or at work to remind yourself of the power of praying over all areas of your husband's life! Give us Your strength to ask for and give forgiveness. All rights reserved. We declare in the name of Jesus that our enemy, the devil, has no right to interfere in the sacred building of our relationship because You live in us and You are greater than the one who roams around looking for victims to destroy. 7 7) Powerful Prayer for My Husband to Stop . Walk ahead of him. Learn how your comment data is processed. Not just from an income standpoint, but also for his view of himself as the provider. I shall fulfil destiny, nothing shall stop me, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every destiny helpers I have lost in time past due to my smoking habit, I take them back by the blood of Jesus Christ, Every good friend and connection I have lost in time past due to this habit, I receive them back by the power in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every opportunity of promotion that I have lost in recent years as a result of my smoking habit, I receive them back in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree that I shall no longer return to my vomit, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Bring him home to me every time he leaves. Some drivers behind this addiction include: One study found that it only takes a few cigarettes to become addicted, and this can happen within a few days. (1 Corinthians 2:16, 2 Corinthians 10:5), Father, open the eyes of my husband's heart to understand Your Word, so that he won't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of his mind so that he may know Your good, acceptable and perfect will for his life and our marriage. It makes one unclean and gradually renders one a nonentity. Working out also helps you release those pent-up emotions you have been holding inside for so long, which can also contribute to your cravings. Help me be a wife that can show him the way through my good example. Help us all to remember that all of our good gifts come from you, Heavenly Father. I just want to thank You for giving him to me and me to him. When your husband is struggling to love you as hes called to do, pray for him. I stand the gap for my husband and pledge my devotion to you and promise that I will fulfill all that you command of me.In Jesus name. Lord, I particularly come to You today to seek Your face on this habit of smoking, a long-time habit that I have found so difficult to break. This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Keep praying for your husband to welcome Jesus into his heart. When your husband is trying to quit smoking and drinking, here are 10 ways you can support him: 1. the strength to quit and to You be all praise in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Lord, the type of separation that happened between Abraham and Lot, I pray that type of separation happens between him and all his bad friends in the name of Jesus. But please pray that the Lord would deliver my son (he is 19) from the desire to smoke marijuana and drink alcohol. Father, destroy every spirit of anger, anxiety, fear, negative reports and undue pressure that triggers my husband to smoke, in the name of Jesus. When my husband gets tired and beaten down, will You be his strength? that's been causing all my choking. Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Saviour and I thank You that He died to pay the price for my sins and to set me free from the power of sin and death. Youve promised healing to those who submit to You. When youre addicted to smoking, you might not think much about how your habit affects other people. Yet we cant move forward, and we refuse to go backward. NRTs are very helpful in fighting off both physical and psychological cravings for cigarettes by replacing some of the nicotine you would have received from actual smoking. You might pick up your first cigarette of the day as you drink your morning coffee or right after you eat lunch. , Lord I pray that You would take away the desire to smoke, and replace it with moreof Continue to guide me as I remember what it means to be a praying wife. Father I ask for your mercy, I know I have sinned and fallen short of your glory, please show . Your spirit that will guide and nurture him, the spirit of the living God that will give him victory over the temptation of smoking, I pray that spirit come upon him today in the name of Jesus. One of the most terrible attacks on the male child by the devil is exposure to the use of drugs. However, if the man should show some laxity in his position as head of the family, it is in the hands of the woman to stand in the gap in prayers for the man of the house. Praying can help you cope better with the anger, physical pain, and frustration you may feel when youre quitting. 30 Deliverance Prayer To Stop My Husband From Smoking. Proverbs 22:29 CSB, Father, I praise You for my husband, Your unique creation. Ephesians 5:31 NIV. Pray for your husband to have a heart for Jesus. You might also think about how you dont want to become the reason someone else stops trying to quit, which you can do through prayer and meditation. Click this link to join Now, . In the precious and powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen. LeeAnn created this site to provide a platform for prayer warrior writers across the world to share prayers and tips for improving your prayer life. My husband (to say his name) does not stop drinking and has given up his duties as a father, a husband, and a man worthy of living in society. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Help us to work through our differences in a way that honors You and strengthens our relationship. Thank you for praying for me. Or maybe your husbands faith is slipping because of something that has happened. When the weight of the world seems to be on his shoulders, pray for him. 6 6) Prayer to Tear Down the Affair with The Other Woman. Maybe if he realized this, he would change and our marriage would get better. Open his heart to feel Your meaning. Addiction to smoking you have to go, I am no longer in agreement with you. I decree by the authority of heaven that as you begin to use this prayer guide, God will deliver your husband from smoking in the name of Jesus. This is actually quite common in many marriages today. Some examples are gambling, alcohol abuse, or compulsive shopping. Our relationship feels broken like an old fashioned phonograph needle stuck on the same groove. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! Others do so because of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. I pray Lord Jesus, that you will send him help. A husband should be the provider for the home and family. Also I will love to Invite You to join our Powerful 24 Hours Prayer Group on Telegram. My husband has lost sight of the things that really matter. Father Lord, I pray for that you will create enmity between my husband and smoking, I decree that separation comes between them today in the name of Jesus. Be supportive. "Father, I praise You for my husband, Your unique creation. The enemy has possessed his being and we are gradually losing him to smoking. The good news is that you can turn your focus away from your addiction when you pray. That he would know he is never alone because You are with him, but I ask for others to speak into his life and sharpen him as he sharpens them., Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another. Once you get in the habit of praying over your husband, your prayers will adapt as his needs change. Lord, please smooth the scars of past hurts and brokenness. Pray for your husband every single day. Let my breath be fresh and clean. Lord, I know that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and do not want this habit to be a master over my body and my will, but rather I want You alone to have first place in my life and within my body. 4 4) Strong Prayer for the Other Woman to Leave. I pray that your son will have such an encounter in the name of Jesus. Lord God, for you, have not created the demon that you can not control, I pray that you will chase out the demon of smoking out of my son in the name of Jesus. 5. Click this link to join Now, . Help me be compassionate and forgiving just like you. Father, I declare null and void every inherited spell of smoking from my husbands background and declare the fire of God to consume it, in the name of Jesus. Praying for your husband will build your own faith and draw you closer to God. God bless you. Lord, I want you to show my son yourself, I want him to have a revelation of your today in the name of Jesus. 4. Help me become the loving wife Im called to be and open his heart to find the love he once had for me. Romans 12:2 NIV. Brother Peter, who is ninety-eight years old, gave me a prayer for the intercession of Padre Pio and after having the prayer for a number of months, I finally started to say the novena to Padre Pio. MATTHEW 18:20 KJV "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." God is good! Help him to take every thought captive that is not in obedience to Your Word, and in so doing protect him from pride and temptation. Spiritually, smoking habit is a sin, which is an unrighteous act before God and he that is unrighteous shall not see God. Protect us from becoming another divorce statistic. 5. Father, deliver my husband from the spirit of smoking that wants to enslave him, in the name of Jesus. The painful and stressful withdrawal symptoms smokers experience when they quit smoking are a major reason why many eventually return to this harmful habit. Father, crucify my affection of the flesh(smoking) on my husband on the cross and enable him to walk in the spirit, in the name of Jesus. There is a demon in cigarettes, marijuana, weed and all that people, little wonder, they are bond to misbehave after smoking. I renounce and ask forgiveness for burning . Heavenly Father, hear my plea, and grant my lungs serenity. I pray that in times of stress and trouble, I will focus on You, not turning to substances that will abuse my body. Father I thank you for your great grace and love towards me despite my evil habits, glory to you in Jesus name. When our husbands lose sight of Gods will and stop seeking the Kingdom, they no longer prioritize becoming the men God created them to be. Father, by your grace and power, cause my husband to stop the habit of smoking, for by your strength he can do all things. Lord Jesus, I pray that you will touch the heart of my husband and you will cause him to change his decision on smoking. You will wonder if those boys that have turned themselves into a non-entity in the community due to smoking were created by God that way. Help me be a wife of noble character, who strives to bring him good all the days of my life. Holy Spirit of the Living God, I ask that You convict my husband of his commitment to me. One of the most terrible attacks on the male child by the devil is exposure to the use of drugs. Smokers have been shown to suffer from withdrawal symptoms for several years after quitting, which makes it very difficult for them to stay away from cigarettes long-term without outside support. How often should you pray to stop smoking? We need You. 3. Please guard his heart and mind, Jesus. While that sounds really mature and wonderful, the choice was a selfish endeavor, though I thought I was being helpful. When we are wounded, help us be honest with each other and not fear retaliation. Smoking is a dangerous and bad habit that is harmful to the smoker but physically and spiritually. Prayer can help you practice better self-control. It provides you with positive suggestions that can help you change your mental state about smoking and break the addiction for good. Welcome brothers/ sisters, My husband name is jeyasurya. I wish to be drawn closer to the love of your Spirit, and so I want you to help me quit smoking. May Your healing permeate his being, inside and out., Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me, and I will be saved, for you are my praise. Father, endow my husband with grace and power to overcome the spirit of smoking as his body is Your temple, in Jesus name. Please Lord I put all my faith and pray to have this divorced stopped and let the family my wife and boys show there love and support for me to be in the family and for . Pray for your husband to see his worth in Christ. To understand how praying can help you quit smoking, its important to know why its so hard to quit in the first place. God, I want to be a wife who acknowledges that her husband deserves her prayers. Today we will be dealing with prayers for my son to stop smoking. Father, deliver my husband from the yoke of smoking that is sent to destroy him, in the name of Jesus. The revelation that will change his perception about smoking, the revelation that will change his thoughts toward smoking, I pray that you will show it to him today in the name of Jesus. With much gratitude and thanksgiving. I prayed to be able to quit smoking and thanks be to God, my prayer was answered. Nicotine withdrawals can be punishing to the body and mind. Dedicating prayer time for your husband not only calls upon the Lord on his behalf but can strengthen your marriage when you become in tune with his various needs. Lord Jesus, I come before you today concerning my son, Im rapidly losing him to the devil. Check below for some powerful prayer points for your husband to stop smoking. It can also cause you to develop cancer, heart disease, bronchitis, emphysema, and other serious health problems. In some circles, you may be pressured to keep smoking by peers or family members. I am restored, redeemed by the blood and made to have dominion over the flesh and all things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I am seated with Christ in heavenly places far above evil imaginations, bad habits and satanic projections in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I have control over my thoughts, desires and actions by the authority of Christ in me, I am more than a conqueror in Jesus mighty name. Keep praying for people. This means doing your best to stay healthy, and that includes not smoking. Give him the perseverance and strength to work hard, overcome challenges, and to prioritize faith and family over financial gain. But the question is: how much is it? Years ago, I decided to consistently pray for my husband. without a trace of . I ask this in the name of my Lord, Jesus. I am sorry to ask for two prayers this day. (1 Thessalonians 5:13), (excerpt fromEncouragement for Today,Proverbs 31 Ministriesby Wendy Blight. Some smokers dont receive support when they try to quit. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. Praying for your husband's, Even if your husband does not have a role of, God provides for us when we cry out to Him and He provides wisdom when we seek, Remind yourself daily to pray over your husband's, Whether you have children or not, you can pray over your husband's f. ), 10 Reasons God Might Not Be Blessing Your Life, Inspiring Mother Breaks Down after Earning Golden Buzzer with Celine Dion Hit, 7 Things that Will Keep Me from Coming Back to Your Church, 6 Truths about Jesus Coming into the World, 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 10 Things You Should Know about the Intermediate State of Death, 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Things I Would Do Differently if I Were Raising My Children Again. Over the years, God has shown me his work in my marriage through prayer time and time again. Oh Lord I thank you for your great love and kindness, blessed be your name in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. God has the rest covered. Take care of him. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin, but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead; and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. Romans 6:12-13. Cigarette addiction is a complex disease. (these 3 prayers are excerptsed from 7 Prayers That Changed My Heart for My Husband by Lori Freeland). Copyright 2021 Quit All Right Reserved. Addiction to nicotine get out of my head, my lungs, my body. 4. This means that the man could be very violent in the house and when a man is violent in the house, the house becomes very uncomfortable for every other. Involve God in this matter by praying these 40 prayers to stop smoking. Lord, I particularly come to You today to seek Your face on this habit of smoking, a long-time habit that I have found so difficult to break. I pray for a divine separation between him and all the peers that the devil has positioned his way. From the time he wakes up to the time he goes to sleep, give him what he needs to be the husband, father, employee, and friend You want him to be. May his leadership skills be empowered by your wisdom. Our Father, we need Your help to weather the storms of life. I Let My Son Smoke Cigarettes: Is It Too Late to Help Him Quit? In the name of Jesus, I pray. Prayer can help you recognize how your addiction affects other people, which makes it easier to focus on quitting for the right reasons and not just because youre struggling with nicotine withdrawal symptoms or cravings that seem impossible to resist. Is it affordable? As you begin to use this prayer guide which has been titled powerful prayers for my son to stop smoking, I pray that help shall locate your son and he shall be delivered by the saving right hand of God in the name of Jesus. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website, 60 Aggressive Prayer Against Witches And Wizard. For instance, it can cause you to lose your sense of taste and smell. Lord I ask for your grace to stop smoking ease help me Lord in Jesus name, Lord please take away from me permanently, the urge to smoke, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Lord I ask that you help me stand strong by your grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Father please deliver me from every spirit behind smoking in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree total separation from every bad association I have joined in time past in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Lord please help me to remain in your fear all day long, that I may continuously do your will in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I frustrate every plan of the enemy to make me useless in life and destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. God is about to do something great through this prayer guide, God wants to deliver your husband from the demon of smoking. Even if you are taking these prayers on behalf of someone, and the person is evidently not willing to stop smoking, as you say these 40 prayers to stop smoking, we trust the Holy Spirit to arrest their heart and take the desire to smoke off their heart in Jesus Name. In addition, nicotine is an incredibly tough chemical to beat. (Jeremiah 29:11), Father, give my husband the mind of Christ, saturate it with godly wisdom. For instance, if youd like to start working out more but havent yet planned your routine, you can pray for the motivation you need to get started. I decree by the authority of heaven, your son is a gift from God, he is a blessing, God made him a source of joy not for sorrow. Lord God, I come before you today because of my husband, he is a heavy smoker and Im beginning to fear for his life knowing the deadly effect of smoking on the health of an individual.

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prayer for husband to stop smoking

prayer for husband to stop smoking