home assistant nginx docker

Everything is up and running now, though I had to use a different IP range for the docker network. My setup enables: - Access Home Assistant with SSL from outside firewall through standard port and is routed to the home assistant on port 8123. I have nginx proxy manager running on Docker on my Synology NAS. I never had to play with the use_x_forwarded_for or trusted_proxies for the public IPs to show correctly, so I can actually see the IPs that have logged to my HA. My objective is to give a beginners guide of what works for me. But why is port 80 in there? Testing the Home Assistant Remote Access using NGINX Reverse Proxy & DuckDNS, Learn How to Use Assist on Apple Devices: Control Home Assistant with Siri. A list of origin domain names to allow CORS requests from. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This means that all requests coming in to https://foobar.duckdns.org are proxied to http://localhost:8123. Every service in docker container So when i add HA container i add nginx host with subdomain in nginx-proxy container. and boom! I recently moved to my new apartment and spent all my 2020 savings buying new smart devices, and I think my wife wont be happy when she reads this article . need to be changed to your HA host Download and install per the instructions online and get a certificate using the following command. This guide has been migrated from our website and might be outdated. Hass for me is just a shortcut for home-assistant. I opted for creating a Docker container with this being its sole responsibility. If you have a container in bridge network mode (like swag) you can't reference another docker container running in host network mode (like home assistant) by, localhost, hostip, or container name. | MY SERVER ADMINISTRATION EXPERTISE INCLUDES:Linux (Red Hat, Centos, Ubuntu . It seems like it would be difficult to get home assistant working through all these layers of security, and I dont see any posts with examples of a successful vpn and reverse proxy setup together in the forum. In summary, this block is telling Nginx to accept HTTPS connections, and proxy those requests in an unencrypted fashion to Home Assistant running on port 8123. Looks like the proxy is not passing the content type headers correctly. Scanned if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'peyanski_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-peyanski_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');The port forwarding rule should do the following: Forward any 443 port income traffic towards your Router WAN IP (Or DuckDNS domain) to port 443 of your local IP where Home Assistant is installed. Leaving this here for future reference. Obviously this could just be a cron job you ran on the machine, but what fun would that be? Doing that then makes the container run with the network settings of the same machine it is hosted on. Below is the Docker Compose file I setup. The easiest way to do it is just create a symlink so you dont have to have duplicate files. I created the Dockerfile from alpine:3.11. At the end your Home Assistant DuckDNS Add-on configuration should look similar to the one below: Save the changes and start the Home Assistant DuckDNS Add-on from the, After the NGINX Home Assistant add-on installation is completed. SOLVED: After typing this post, I tried one more thing, and enabled Websockets Support in Nginx Proxy Manager, that solved the issue. Yes, I am using this docker image in Ubuntu which already contains the database compared to the official one: Docker container for Nginx Proxy Manager. I tried externally from an iOS 13 device and no issues. Contribute to jlesage/docker-nginx-proxy-manager development by creating an account on GitHub. This will down load the swag image, create the swag volume, unpack and set up the default configuration. 1. install docker: In Chrome Dev Tools I can see 3 errors of Failed to load module script: The server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of text/html. I use Caddy not Nginx but assume you can do the same. docker pull homeassistant/armv7-addon-nginx_proxy:latest. Port 443 is the HTTPS port, so that makes sense. How to install Home Assistant DuckDNS add-on? It is time for NGINX reverse proxy. Both containers in same network In configuration.yaml: http: use_x_forwarded_for: true trusted . Now that you have the token your going to navigate to config/dns-conf/dnsimple.ini which is wherever you pointed your volume to and paste that token in replacing the default one thats in there. In other words you wi. I have a basic Pi OS4 running / updating and when I could not get the HA to run under PI OS4 cause there was a pyhton ssl error nightmare on a fresh setup I went for the docker way just to be sure that I can use my Pi 4 for something else cause HA is not doing that much the whole day if I look at the cpu running at 8% incl. I have had Duck DNS running for a couple years ago but recently (like a few weeks ago) came across this thread and installed NGINX. Digest. after configure nginx proxy to vm ip adress in local network. Next youll need to add proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; and proxy_set_header Connection upgrade;. I have a relatively simple system ( Smartthings and MQTT integrations plus some mijia_bt Bluetooth sensors). Thanks, I have been try to work this out for ages and this fixed my problem. To make this risk very low you can add few more lines (last two lines from the example below), so you can protect yourself further and if someone tries to login three times with wrong credentials it will be automatically banned. Hey @Kat81inTX, you pretty much have it. I installed curl so that the script could execute the command. https://github.com/home-assistant/hassio-addons/blob/master/nginx_proxy/data/nginx.conf. Feel free to edit this guide to update it, and to remove this message after that. Once this is all setup the final thing left to do is run docker-compose restart and you should be up and running. With Assist Read more, What contactless liquid sensor is? Add the following to you home assistant config.yaml ( /home/user/test/volumes/hass/configuration.yaml). Yes, you should said the same. Without using the --network=host option auto discovery and bluetooth will not work in Home Assistant. I am at my wit's end. Id like to continue using Nginx Proxy Manager, because it is a great and easy to use tool. Back to the requirements for our Home Assistant remote access using NGINX reverse proxy & DuckDNS project. esphome. The second I disconnect my WiFi, to see if my reverse proxy is working externally, the pages stop working. But I cant seem to run Home Assistant using SSL. In my configuration.yaml I have the following setup: I get no errors in the home assistant log. I tried installing hassio over Ubuntu, but ran into problems. Edit 16 June 2021 The config you showed is probably the /ect/nginx/sites-available/XXX file. You have remote access to home assistant. Vulnerabilities. Recreate a new container with the same docker run parameters as instructed above (if mapped correctly to a host folder, your /config folder and settings will be preserved) You can also remove the old dangling images: docker image prune. Delete the container: docker rm homeassistant. In this post I will share an easy way to add real-time camera snapshots to your Home Assistant push notifications. Forward your router ports 80 to 80 and 443 to 443. I have the proxy (local_host) set as a trusted proxy but I also use x_forwarded_for and so the real connecting IP address is exposed. Hit update, close the window and deploy. The official home assistant install documentation advises home assistant container needs to be run with the --network=host option to be a supported install versus just mapping port 8123. Once I got that script sorted out, I needed a way to get it to run regularly to make sure the IP was up to date. Webhooks not working / Issue in setup using DuckDNS, Let's Encrypt, NGINX, NGINX without Let's Encrypt/DuckDNS using personal domain and purchased cert, Installing remote access for the first time, Nginx reverse proxy issue with authentication, Independant Nginx server under Proxmox for Home Assistant and every other service with OVH subdomains, Fail2ban, unable to forward host_addr from nginx. You will at least need NGINX >= 1.3.13, as WebSocket support is required for the reverse proxy. I mean sure, they can technically do the same thing against NGINX, but the entire point of NGINX is security, so any vulnerabilities like this would hopefully be found sooner and patched sooner. I had the same issue after upgrading to 2021.7. The Home Assistant Community Add-ons Discord chat server for add-on support and feature requests. Yes, I have a dynamic IP addess and I refuse to pay some additional $$ to get a static IP from my ISP. Proceed to click 'Create the volume'. Optionally, I added another public IP address to be able to access to my HA app using my phone when Im outside. Normally, in docker-compose, SWAG/NGINX would know the IP address of home assistant But since it uses net mode, the two lines I am leaving this here if other people need an answer to this problem. I am a noob to homelab and just trying to get a few things working. Using NGINX as a proxy for Home Assistant allows you to serve Home Assistant securely over standard ports. In this video I will show you step by step everything you need to know to get remote access working on your Home Assistant, from setting up a free domain nam. In a first draft, I started my write up with this observation, but removed it to keep things brief. Going into this project, I had the following requirements: After some research and many POCs, I finally came with the following design. Aren't we using port 8123 for HTTP connections? Also, here is a good write up I used to set up the Swag/NGINX proxy, with similar steps you posted above Nginx Reverse Proxy Set Up Guide Docker. Could anyone help me understand this problem. Not sure if that will fix it. Not sure about you, but I exposed mine with NGINX and didnt change anything under configuration.yaml HTTP section except IP ban and thresholds: As for in NGINX just basic configuration, its pretty much empty. Requests from reverse proxies will be blocked if these options are not set. You just need to save this file as docker-compose.yml and run docker-compose up -d . I don't mean frenck's HA addon, I mean the actual nginx proxy manager . Im a UI/UX Designer who loves to tinker with electronics, software, and home automation. To add them open your configuration.yaml file with your favourite editor and add the following section: Exposing your Home Assistant installation to the outside world is a moderate security risk. I copied the script in there, and then finally need the container to run the command crond -l 2 -f. Thats really all there is to it, so all that was left was to run docker-compose build and then docker-compose up -d and its up and running. Anonymous backend services. CNAME | www The Home Assistant Community Forum. etc. This is very easy and fast. I wanted to play a chime any time a door was opened, but there was a significant delay of up to 5 seconds. I dont think your external IP should be trusted_proxy as traffic will no show as coming from there. But, I cannot login on HA thru external url, not locally and not on external internet. It has a lot of really strange bugs that become apparent when you have many hosts. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Still working to try and get nginx working properly for local lan. However I want to point out that using a virtual box (in my experience) has been such a fluid experience, Also Im guessing that you cant get supervisor addons in docker, If you can get supervisor addons in docker, use WireGuard, its amazing, If you have a windows server, you can use the link bellow, using the VirtualBox (.vdi) image choice. It supports all the various plugins for certbot. The final step of the Home Assistant Remote Access using NGINX Reverse Proxy & DuckDNS is to do some port forwarding in your home router. In my example, I have the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/default, then symlinked that to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default. I use Linux SWAG (Secure Web Application Gateway) from linuxserver.io as a reverse proxy. After using this kind of setup for some time, I got an error NSURLErrorDomain -1200 in companion app. And using the SSL certificate in folder NPM-12 (Same as linked to home assistant), with Force SSL on. Recently I moved into a new house. Thanks, yes no need to forward port 80. l wasnt quite sure, so I left in in. Next to that I have hass.io running on the same machine, with few add-ons, incl. added trusted networks to hassio conf, when i open url i can log in. Hopefully this saves some dumb schmuck like me from spending hours on a problem that isnt in your own making. Before moving, Previously I wrote about setting up Home Assistant running in Docker along with Portainer to provide a GUI for management. Type a unique domain of your choice and click on. If you are running home assistant inside a docker container, then I see no reason why my guide shouldnt work. How to setup Netatmo integration using webhooks to speed up device status update response times, WebRTC support for Camera (stream) Components, No NAT loopback / DuckDNS / NGINX / AdGuard, Websocket Connection Failed Through Nginx Proxy, Failed to login through LAN to HA while Internet was down (DuckDNS being used), External URL with subdirectory doesn't work behind nginx reverse proxy, Sharing Letsencrypt certificates between Synology and HA on docker, ChromeCast with NatLoopback disable router. instance from outside of my network. Hi Ive heard/read other instructions which also set up port forwarding for port 80 to make sure a browser will redirect an http request for the domain to https. Go to the, Your NGINX configuration should look similar to the picture below (of course, you should change. Now we have a full picture of what the proxy does, and what it does not do. OS/ARCH. Proudly present you another DIY smart sensor named XKC Y25 that is working with Home Assistant. If you dont know how to get your public IP, you can find it right here: https://whatismyipaddress.com/. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. The main things to note here : Below is the Docker Compose file. Click on the "Add-on Store" button. If you are running on a pi, I thought most people run the Home Assistant Operating System which has add-ons for remote access. Can you make such sensor smart by your own? I also configured a port forwarding rule in my WiFi router to allow external traffic to the Home assistant setup. Nginx is a wrapper around Home Assistant that intercepts web requests coming in on ports 80 and 443. I ditched my Digital Ocean droplet and started researching how to do this in Docker on my home server. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, SOLVED: SSL with Home Assistant on docker & Nginx Proxy Manager. This configuration file and instructions will walk you through setting up Home Assistant over a secure connection. NodeRED application is accessible only from the LAN. For error 3 there are several different IPs that this shows up with (in addition to Setup nginx, letsencrypt for improved security. Follow, Im into: Smart Home, Home Automation, IoT & #Bitcoin, Human presence sensor DIY. Can I somehow use the nginx add on to also listen to another port and forward it to another APP / IP than home assistant. After the add-on is started, you should be able to view your Ingress server by clicking "OPEN WEB UI" within the add-on info screen. That doesnt seem possible with hass.io, and anyone trying to install any of the other supervised versions on linux always seems to have problems. Start with setting up your nginx reverse proxy. If you already have SSL set up on Home Assistant, the first step is to disable SSL so that you can do everything with unencrypted http on port 8123. It will be used to enable machine-to-machine communication within my IoT network. Used Certbot to install a Lets Encrypt cert and the proxy is running the following configuration: I have Home Assistant running on another Raspberry Pi ( with the following configuration.yaml addition: The SSL connection seems to work fine, but for whatever reason, its not proxying over to the Home Assistant server and instead points to the NGINX server: This was all working fine prior to attempting to add SSL to the mix.

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home assistant nginx docker

home assistant nginx docker