nate and christy bethel

Im so grateful for the heads up revelation God gives. Christy Johnston She massacred all the members of the royal house, murdering Ahaziahs sonsher own grandsons. Then his servants said to him, What is this thing that you have done? - Reviving lost connection to Gods voice and guidance I knew that I was going after the calling that God had placed on my life, and yet I felt like I was being pursued at every corner. You cant follow the unbeaten path and mans at the same time. PURSUE THE GIANTS IN THE LAND! Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! Something is coming that cant be ignored. You are entering a highway of holiness seasona path for the set-apart ones who havent wavered. Since I know few will say it, I must. There has been a massive push from the enemy to put stocks on the feet of those moving forward by tethering them to people and the expectations from past seasons. It was a father-heart word and from there a friendship started and us dreaming up some things together down the track. The enemy has been raging against so many who are about to enter into a delivery seasonwhich has come as a culmination of a season of pioneering, process, refining, and fresh vision that has led so many to a place where they're finally ready to birth the new things that God has given to them. Weekly live group coaching with Nate and Christy and our grow mentors occur throughout each season to dive deep and discuss the topic of the week and engage with each-other. A few months before we started our ministry we were going through the most intense warfare we had ever experienced. Do you want to know how to piece together revelation so you can walk it out? I felt instantly that He was brooding over its birthing of something significant and mighty He has always seen that this state would bring forth. Im not interested in eating the same old manna over and over, are you? Does it feel like your hearing is dulled or blocked? Join us for season 3 starting in just over one week! I pray they shake you out of fear and stir up the vision and purpose ahead of you in Jesus name. But the reveal is coming. Refuse to be sidetracked by constant fires and emergencies. We are in such an occupy season where territory previously usurped by the enemy is up for the taking and the violent are taking it by force. Kick her out of your house: "So they seized her as she reached the entrance of the Horse Gate on the palace grounds, and there they put her to death." shearer fab intercooler review; the greens melville homes for sale We pray that she comes into the light and finds comfort and salvation in the true Christ. Then one night Christy and the girls went to bed I laid down on the lounge room floor and just bared my heart before the Lord. Trojan horses: People in your life, family, and inner circle that are working against you and planting strife, division, and confusion. Last week I pressed record on my phone and just spoke what God was saying and then noticed a swirl over the weekend into the new week. I might just let this one speak for itself Link to the full word and strategies in bio.. Dont be fooled by the movement still taking place - God is leading you from Egypt, out of the limbo, and temporary shelter and bringing you into your settling. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. Rather than doing warfare outside of the secret place, she invited her enemy into her territory as though luring a predator up to the heights, knowing that only she can withstand them. This is a word specific to those who have been in transition and havent yet put their bags down. Athaliah is not the Jezebel spirit but is far nastier because she has been around Jezebel and is hired to do her bidding. I have to step into this with fresh eyes and a heart uncluttered." Soon youll be out the other side of this long season! His voice calls out to His daughters, rise up my daughters, rise up! After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. I can see their eyes burning with a fierce passion for their Beloved, they are moving in response to His call. I see revival coming to the family of God. Siseras name means meditations and keen and swift. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6 Says the Lord. 4/15/2019. Dont settle! Dont fall for it! Olive- evergreen, which speaks of LIFE in EVERY SEASON. FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN ON THE PATH OF CONFLICT, I AM LEADING YOU TO A PATHWAY OF MY VINDICATION! A full list of winners at the 2023 Spirit Awards. Bethel worship leader and songwriter Kalley Heiligenthal asked for urgent prayer yesterday after doctors pronounced her daughter dead. Kids sick nonstop for months. 4,923 were here. Repost that really spoke to me today. Gods reformers are actively rebuilding the, foundations of Gods Word in every mountain of. Its not a zeal to criticise or throw stones but to build. Therefore You have visited and made an end of them and caused every memory of them [every trace of their supremacy] to perish" Isaiah 26:14 SEVER THE ACCESS POINTS I felt the instruction in this revelation from the Lord was really quite simple, but it is something that we have to be intentional about right nowmaybe it's going to even take a few months. There will always be counterfeits and counter offers on the road of faith and constant triggers trying to pull you back into the old you or the old thing where you in bondage and silenced. You know who you are. I believe God is removing the religious lids and ceilings off the church and its leaders right now who have been caught in the hamster wheel and need a fresh encounter. Roe V Wade has been overturned and the Goliath has fallen! You are going from being constantly attacked and constantly persecuted to a season where you will persecute the enemy and you'll unveil, reveal, and expose his plans to the world. Find it hard to discern what God is speaking and saying to you? God is building you and getting you ready to build what you never imagined you would be called to. INDIANAPOLIS The Society of . NEXT FEW MONTHS, MIRACLE PROVISION, & THE RUNNING SHOES OF REDEMPTIONOriginal: Rumble: h. The places where the door is open and never shut. Jeff mate, we are going to miss you.. But the reveal is coming. While that also may sound harmless, it is not. We have Ideologies being pushed that blur the lines between man and woman and men are being told that masculinity is a modern-day evil. In the vacuum of what we need, we then try to get it in other places. They operate a dead raising team that claims they have resurrected 15 people, with shockingly no witnesses. Nesting season is coming. You cannot expect miracles when your base is actively working against God. These people are scammers and this is the test - they wont put this post on their fake profile, or will they? Rebuke her and command her to leave! The enemy can see that you are ripe and about to see the finish line in major promises and is freaking out right now. Bethel Redding School masquerading as an Assemblies of God Bible Institute. - Discerning and interpreting what God is speaking. Praying for you as you enter a new year.. the link to the rest of the word is in my bio, Merry Christmas from the Johnstons! And lastly, she uses endless harassment, intimidation, false accusations, and character assassination, as her tools to get you to submit to her and give up. When practicing discernment regarding false theologies we often here the lament, whats the big deal? Joel Osteen has encouraged millions of people, leave him alone. Satan has overplayed his hand he has targeted our wombs and the fruit of our wombs, so God is raising up his daughters - and the offspring of our wombs - as WEAPONS and antidotes to the enemies strategies. It comes from a different angle and seems to infiltrate your life mostly undetected. Covers him with her blanket, a picture of the glory of God and reaches for her tent peg and hammer. Demonic dreams and no sleep. Do you need your voice back? (Accessed December 18, 2019.). Praying this interactive journal from the wild ones brings you back to wonder and adventure with Jesus again. I feel such a fear of the Lord over this new path. Season 4 - Legacy Payment Plan $160 usd Includes: Payment plan of 2 payments of $160 over 2 months. Who else is feeling this? What has been done to Kalley however by Bethel is spiritual abuse. - Awakening your ability to perceive the times and seasons. Wadi Kishon means waters of snaring. The Spirit of God is releasing strategies in prayer at this moment that will lure and trap the enemy into the rushing waters of His Spirit, drowning out his plans, chattering words, and confusing doctrines. We pray for Kalley. Psalm 68:11, Now you are ready, my Bride, to come with me as we climb the highest peaks together. together we will wage war in the lions den and the leopards lair Song of Songs 4:8 tpt. Link in bio, To those who are pioneering healthy after many broken generations.. Link in bio. Happy Jewish new year! Hope this gives so more language and confirmation for this season. Fear caught the tongues of many and sent prophetic voices underground for a season but now they are coming back to set the standard and shake the church out of mixture. Such a great time to be alive. They are moving to the sound of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who is roaring behind them. There will also be opportunities appear that look and sound the part or like a long awaited open door that is just a diversion with clever sales package. Protect your delivery at all costs: "The Levites are to station themselves around the king, each with weapon in hand. (2 Chronicles 23:17) Give no place to the enemy in your life. Stifled. Website crashing 10 times a day. This will be a time and a season where you'll find the people that get your heart and who will surround you. We have to get back our authenticity and power. Bethel was also a reporter for Right Side Broadcasting Network and a brand ambassador and executive producer of Miss Liberty America. Its time to sever the ties of narcissistic upbringings and all access points the Jezebel spirit has had in your life and family. ATHALIAH SIGNS & SLY TACTICS This assignment has come at this moment to cause there to be a spiritual stillbirth and to frustrate you into giving up. UNDER THE RADAR This spirit has been laying under the radar because we've expected Jezebelwe know what Jezebel is like, and we know the tactics, but this spirit is different. This is a time when God's going to deal with the wrong alignmentsthe wolves and the lionsthat have been waiting and crushing you at every point. When the wild ones came out in January I was overwhelmed with the response to say the least. "They [the former tyrant masters] are dead, they shall not live and reappear; they are powerless ghosts, they shall not rise and come back. However, Bethel Church is a part of the New Apostolic Reformation, which believes they are modern-day prophets and Apostles, complete with all their power. (Source). Where are the places that this spirit has gained access to my life?" We have to get back our authenticity and power. AN UNKNOWN FOE But as I sat there in worship I felt like God wasnt wanting to reveal the obvious because we know that any great birthing season will draw in the enemy to the arena. And I wanted to encourage those who have not found a family or tribe that we have entered a time where family is not just a theory but a reality. I want to specially speak to those who are trying to advance forward with that crazy idea and dream and you have been hit on every side. Join us for our 4th season Legacy beginning in just over a week! So I said, Lord, what is this assignment? And He led me to 2 Chronicles chapter 23 which speaks about the daughter of Jezebel, Athaliah. Really? And David fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground. A simple word for someone out there today.. I am not speaking of only physical mothers and fathers, but spiritual ones. Ouch again. The sons of Issachar(1 Chronicles 12:32) knew the times and seasons and knew what to do, and we have the ability to do the same right now. He gave me the most humbling advice not to repeat some of his mistakes, and was a man who had been through some tough years that God was doing a new thing in and through. Thanks! Praying Hebrews 5:14 over you this week! Been off socials for a little while and have been feeling grateful for for the many people I know are out there that are pioneering for Jesus that goes under the radar. Our desire is to see God's people permeate the earth with the glory of . Then shut those doors! I knew this was the Lord speaking into a new path and a season of time where we will have the ability to focus on the building rather than just the defendinglike Nehemiah in the rebuilding of the wall where his people had to constantly hold a sword in one hand and a building tool in the other. Mountain goats have the ability to climb high above their enemies out of reach as they balance on rocky ledges. But these access points have been vital areas of hearts that when compromised it has caused many to turn and walk away, or to settle for an inferior and counterfeit path. Lengthen your ropes And strengthen your pegs" Isaiah 54:2. Christy is based out of Lakewood, California, United States and works in the Motor Vehicle Manufacturing industry. That day I was really struggling in my mind because we were seeking God for clarity on a major decision and I felt as dry as the desert around me. Google to read the stories of those who have escaped the cult of Bethel Church the next time you think there are no victims. Im not interested in eating the same old manna over and over, are you? In fact, quite a lot of the time they feel like failuresthings fall apart and things don't work. WATCH ME DEAL WITH THE LIONS I felt the deliverance of the Lord coming to many right now and the Lord said And now watch me deal with the lions! I knew this was for those who have been in the thick of the battle over their lives, families, and destinywhere the enemy has sought to take them out and discredit them. This warfare has come at a time when many are about to receive new blueprints and birth the things that they've waited years to be able to birth. Pockets of revival bursting forth like a sower sowing seeds into the earth. explore words Olive was the daughter of Bethel worship leader and songwriter, Kalley. - Hearing the new language and themes on Gods heart for the church and for the world. In darkness they do their works and say, Who sees us, and who will know? Isaiah 29:15. What does that look like for your pathfor your life and for your family? The evil practice of grave sucking the anointing of dead charismatics started at Bethel. It seeks to destroy your home life. #family is revival I speak to people daily who love God but over the last 10 years have been falling out of love with the Church. Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. But then the wineskin burst and I have felt Gods heart that it is time to create space and talk about it, see lives and families healed, revive hearts, and restore destinys. There are currently 4 fake accounts (that I know about) created by scammers messaging people either asking for money for an orphanage or saying they will be giving people money. #family is revival For much of our lives we lived in powerlessness and insecurity. This miraculous feat was done by God through the prophets and Apostles (there are ten reported cases in the Bible, other than Jesus). Dont fall for it! Then this word from a year ago came up very much for right now. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour 1 Peter 5:8, A few days ago I felt led to read the story of Pauls ecstatic vision of the man from Macedonia sensing there was something God was doing in all us. And the servants of David were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they said, Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spoke to him, and he did not listen to us. So Davids I know you feel this in your spirit right now. Lets get the initial reactions out of the way. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful Hebrews 10:23. It was too precious to Him and and He wanted it seen. So to those who this is for let me add one last thing - Stand and watch the deliverance of the Lord. Nate and Christy Johnston's hearts are to disciple you through prophecy, encouragement and teaching, coupled with our online courses. Now you will enter the new path unscathed, and the old tyrant masters and bullying circumstances will hang over your head no longer! Many have been waiting for a long season, many have been waiting for an environment and a habitat that feels safe for them to birth what I have given themand this will be that season," says the Lord. We pray secondarily for all of those watching this story. - Restoring dreams and visions They have stood staring up at the ceilings of our achievements crying out There must be more! and in reply heaven is handing over the blueprints for a new hour. He gave me the most humbling advice not to repeat some of his mistakes, and was a man who had been through some tough years that God was doing a new thing in and through. I hope it helps you understand what is happening. In a few weeks we kick off our third season for the year - House of Acts. Gods daughters, however, will not be silenced. Link to full word in bio. It's our hope that our courses, books and prophetic words lead you into a fresh encounter that catapults you into your calling and destiny. You are so close. I believe we are entering a time that as we join arms and build the church together, all streams, we will see ruts break and a powerful bride arise to make herself known in the earth. It wants you to give up your destiny and hand over the keys. In this season you will fight fewer battles as you leave the busy and embrace rest. Jaels tent points to the tabernacle, the sanctuary of God. But as we were walking through the deep ravines of rock, out of nowhere He spoke In a time of fear and propaganda from the enemy trying to block my voice, those who seek me will find me I might just let this one speak for itself Link to the full word and strategies in bio.. Dont be fooled by the movement still taking place - God is leading you from Egypt, out of the limbo, and temporary shelter and bringing you into your settling. So grateful to @lou.engle and Therese Engle for championing us and others as we go and strike the ground this Saturday in Red River New Mexico. Disarmed momentarily. Listing provided by TMLS $220,000 3 bds 1 ba 1,056 sqft - House for sale 5 hours ago 304 Red Oak Ave, Durham, NC 27707 MLS ID #2497989. Then I heard a voice say, "Sever the path. Link to full word in bio. I see revival coming to the family of God. Asbury is the first of many to come. Baraks name means lightning. I believe this speaks of fathers arising alongside mothers to defend and protect the family together - and in doing so, God will QUICKLY respond with lightning power to strike the principality of Sisera. Let this be a season where the Spirit of Holiness comes upon you and leads you on the path of the redeemed. I shall go to him, but he will not return to me., Jenn Johnson (who sees the Holy Spirit as the sneaky blue genie from Aladdin), A virtual obsession with this life. A few mornings I woke up hearing a song in my spirit that I just couldn't shake by Rick Pino called "Leaning on my beloved" which comes from the Song of Song. Gossip and the words you are speaking: This is a very common way to allow this spirit inby tearing down others. TEXAS THIS IS YOUR HOUR OF MAGNIFICATION & AMPLIFICATION! Dont stop now! The location of this palm tree between Ramah and Bethel means heights of the House of God. Deborah sat in the heights of intimacy in the secret place with God and received divine revelation and insights from Him. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. Why didnt you call for the glory cloud to come? Every time Im on the precipice of change I notice that suddenly I am inundated with options and diversions to the pure call and path Ive been given. Happy Jewish new year! Then Athaliah tore her robes and shouted, 'Treason! Join us! We have to heal and pick up our swords again. Protect the vision and dont let the enemy barter it for something easier to grasp. A scripture came into my spirit instantly; And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way. Isaiah 35:3-6. These people are scammers and this is the test - they wont put this post on their fake profile, or will they? Ever since we heard yesterday morning, I have been praying prayers of resurrection over this little girl. We can look at a cartoon of sheep being bloodied but not realize that it represents a real person. spin city laundry card balance 0 items - $0.00; subramanyeswara swamy temple near me. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. I'm cutting off all access points so that the birthing suite will be safe for you to birth what I've given you to birth! "This will be a season," says the Lord, "where you will be able to completely feel safe. Who has been sensing this? Let's wage war together on the enemy who has been attempting to set up territory over my family and my children. And David said to his servants, Is the child dead? They said, He is dead. Then David arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself and changed his clothes. When Bethel returns to their business and the dead raising team returns to their deception. A movie about the true story of former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson, written, directed and co-produced by two Catholic filmmakers who are most known for scripting the "God's Not Dead". ***** To receive daily . I can hear it. Been such a consistent theme God is speaking. She violently opposed those meditations with the WORD her hammer. Seriously, they train all of their worship leaders to engage in emptying their mind and blaming whatever pops in on God. Bethel Lutheran is an ELCA Lutheran church in Rochester, MN. They have stood staring up at the ceilings of our achievements crying out There must be more! and in reply heaven is handing over the blueprints for a new hour. Read the full word in bio.. Not sure who this is for but this is a time to PROTECT what you hear, read, and let in. Ground zero for the false teachings of the NAR is Bethel Church in Redding California. His voice sent shockwaves to the enemys camp and Ill never forget the years I was schooled by the anointing on his life as I would listen to his messages and evident glory upon his life. Praying this interactive journal from the wild ones brings you back to wonder and adventure with Jesus again.

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nate and christy bethel

nate and christy bethel